Charles Campbell Secondary School Accelerates Learning with 100% Reliable Wi-Fi Connectivity from Xirrus

Xirrus has announced the deployment of their high performance 802.11n Wi-Fi Arrays across the Charles Campbell Secondary School campus situated in the North Eastern Suburbs of metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. The Charles Campbell campus consists of 9 independent buildings spread over a wide area catering to some 1,200 students and 120 staff members. Selecting Xirrus was an easy decision for Charles Campbell, as Xirrus can deliver wire-like performance with significantly fewer devices; which means less cable drops, less power consumption, and decreased cost.

“Our investigation of deploying a wireless solution for the entire school to provide the coverage required in such a wide spread area, would have required the installation of some 64 traditional access points, with a price tag almost double that of Xirrus,” said David Harby, Computer Systems Manager at Charles Campbell Secondary School. “We wanted a wireless system that was easy to manage, easy to maintain and that worked - Xirrus guaranteed all of these requests. We were sceptical, but based on survey results we could physically see the capabilities of Xirrus’ architecture. As a test to satisfy our own curiosity, we hooked up 12 laptops to TV’s in individual adjoining rooms all connected to the Xirrus array and streamed video footage at the same time wirelessly. You wouldn’t have known the difference if they had been connected via cat5.”

Harby continued by explaining the ease of implementation, “The installation of the 13 arrays only took one day. The whole process was reassuring and simple. We’ve had our Xirrus system in place for a year now and nothing has changed – we have not had any wireless downtime; it just works, and works very well. It does what they say it does on the Xirrus website, and they can prove it.”