Nimbix Launches Accelerated Compute Cloud for HPC

Nimbix announced initial beta launch of its Nimbix Accelerated Compute Cloud (NACC), enabling organizations and individuals to access and deploy the latest accelerated servers for high performance computing and visualization applications. The NACC portal launches with GPU-enabled server nodes on demand and with FPGA-based nodes planned for mid fourth quarter this year.

"We are excited to support a growing community of accelerator users that promises unprecedented opportunity for advancing discovery," said Steve Hebert, co-founder of Nimbix. "With NACC, we lower the barrier of access to a new breed of supercomputers via the cloud."

GPU Computing on Demand

Many commercial HPC applications in fields such as seismic processing and medical imaging have already begun to see the tangible benefits of faster processing using GPUs. The availability of GPU nodes on-demand helps to expand access while opening the market for new innovative web applications in visualization as well as applications in a broader set of scientific domains.

"Tapping into powerful cloud-based accelerators, such as GPUs and FPGAs, not only gives our customers the benefit of dramatic improvements in the speed of their applications without the need to invest in specialized hardware, but also allows their own customers to run these high-performance applications in an on-demand environment," notes Mark Seligman, principal of Rapid Biologics LLC, a partner of Nimbix.