Hardcore Computer to Exhibit at SC10 Supercomputing Conference

Hardcore Computer will be exhibiting at SC10 Supercomputer Conference, the international conference of high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis which takes place in New Orleans, La., from November 13–19, 2010.

In its 23rd year, SC will host technical meetings, and the conference will include exhibitions by industry and research institutions, as well as a number of educational programs.

Hardcore Computer will be exhibiting its total liquid submersion cooled technologies. The company will provide attendees a comprehensive overview of its high-powered computing technologies, including:

  • Reactor, the company's flagship product and the world's first commercially available high-performance PC with total liquid submersion cooling technology.
  • Detonator workstation, winner of Military Embedded Systems magazine's Editor's Choice Award.
  • Liquid Blade server, winner of the BladeSystems Insight Summit Customer Choice Award for Innovation, "Best Data Center Innovation."

All Hardcore Computer products' heat-producing components are submerged in Core Coolant, which is 1350 times better than air by volume at heat removal for systems that provide optimal performance and improved reliability.

Hardcore Computer Booth

At the Hardcore Computer booth #4439, attendees will have an opportunity to see and learn about the company's cutting-edge total liquid submersion cooling technologies.