Oracle Unveils Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management

Oracle has announced Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management.

A new module within Oracle’s JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.0 portfolio of enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management provides user-defined rules that enable organizations to prioritize sales orders for items where demand exceeds on hand supply.

By integrating service-level rule compliance and monitoring within order fulfillment, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management provides unprecedented flexibility to define customer and product processing.

With JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management, customers can reduce the amount paid in penalties created by poor fulfillment processes, resulting in better customer service, lower costs and higher profits.

Streamlined and Optimized Fulfillment Management

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management helps organizations to manage complex order processes by enhancing the allocation of constrained finished goods inventory to your highest priority orders, improving customer service and reducing administrative costs.

The Fulfillment process is enhanced to help organizations meet customer expectations. This allows customers to:

Prioritize sales orders based on customer and order information.

Assign inventory based on the priority level.

Attach and review service levels during order entry.

Assign partial order quantities based on customer service level agreements.

Automatically cancel remaining open balance quantities based on user defined fill rate rules.

Customer service is effectively improved by allowing organizations to:

Improve order and line fill rates for customers by assigning inventory based on priority ranking.

Enforce targeted service levels prior to orders being released to the warehouse.

Reduce late orders for priority customers by managing how inventory is filled to orders.

Reduce backorders and lost sales by closely monitoring supply.

Track reasons for overriding standard service level rules to help ensure compliance and reduce customer penalty fees.

Administrative costs can be reduced by centralizing control of service level agreement information and integrating rules into the order fulfillment process. This helps organizations:

Enforce fill rates automatically before releasing orders to the warehouse.

Reduce costly penalty fees and fines by integrating service level agreements into the order fulfillment process.

Cancel open order balances automatically, eliminating the need for manual order maintenance.

Reduce transportation costs by enforcing the number of releases (shipments) per order.

Supporting Quotes

"JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fulfillment Management is flexible enough to address Spyder's fulfillment needs, including customer prioritization, order fill rates, shipping windows, and shipment frequency restrictions,” said Matt Blumenshine, senior business analyst, Spyder Active Sports. “The many levels of configuration that are possible through the workbench permit us to more precisely cater to our customers' shipping requirements. The visual overview of the processing that occurred clearly highlights exceptions which allow us to focus on the orders needing attention."

“To minimize fulfillment costs, manage customer expectations and ensure order profitability, organizations need to be able to carefully manage complex order environments,” said Steve Banker, director supply chain management, ARC Advisory Group. “With such varying customer requirements and a constant need for reliable information on product and delivery schedules, clear visibility into the entire fulfillment cycle is essential.”

“Fulfillment processes are extremely important to an organization’s profitability,” said Lyle Ekdahl, Oracle group vice president, JD Edwards. “By providing the ability to prioritize the assignment of inventory based on user defined rules, we are able to help our customers optimally allocate their products to their most important orders, reduce fulfillment costs, and improve customer service. This is a strong combination that adds significant new business value for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customers.”