Nuix Unveils eDiscovery SuperComputer

Nuix has unveiled the world’s first eDiscovery SuperComputer, radically changing the way companies can manage their litigation and regulatory matters. 

The Nuix eDiscovery SuperComputer is an out-of-the box enterprise-grade system which can be taken on-site to enable law firms, litigation support firms, corporations, government agencies and other organisations to undertake fast and powerful early case assessments on both the smallest and largest cases.

It combines the highly advanced Nuix3 electronic discovery (eDiscovery) software with the latest in computer hardware to create the most powerful and portable eDiscovery processing, review and production system on the market.

A few of the key features of the SuperComputer include:

·         Fastest processing engine by an order of magnitude - over 2.5 TBs of data in a day, which is up to 50 times faster on average than competitors (and 2.5 times faster than Nuix’s June speed benchmark)

·         Able to host up to 25 concurrent reviewers while simultaneously processing data at 100GB per hour

·         Able to host over 200 concurrent reviewers when not processing

·         Intuitive and simple-to-use interface that is familiar to anyone who uses email

·         A single, portable server which enables litigation support personnel to process behind the corporate firewall

”Most organisations involved in litigation and compliance matters are very sensitive about sending great volumes of data out for processing,” commented Nuix CEO Eddie Sheehy. “The Nuix eDiscovery SuperComputer gives companies undertaking ECA the ability to scale up internally for virtually any size case and it can be done in a day, whether it is a 2GB or a 2TB case.”

“One US-based client using a single Nuix eDiscovery SuperComputer was able to process 1.2 million Bloomberg emails in 43 minutes,” continued Sheehy. “The client had previously processed the same batch of emails using its old system across 23 servers, which took four days to achieve the same result.”