V3D Acquires Sibyltel Technology and Launches EQual ONE Software Suite for Telcos

Acquiring Sibytel technology, V3D (Vision 360 Degrés) goes one step beyond on last mile mobile Quality Testing and Monitoring by upgrading its complete and most advanced software suite for Telcos: EQual ONE

    V3D is a leading Customer Experience software vendor for mobile telecom operators. V3D provides a complete solution for monitoring the performance and quality of the network services (e.g. video, voice & messaging, data services) combining QoS KPIs (Quality of Service Key Performance indicators) and Customer experience.

    The software platform EQual ONE includes a software agent compliant with most of major Smartphones operating systems, and a powerful monitoring and dashboarding server. From the server side, the Monitoring engine provides a set of pre-configured or customized passive or active tests, either on mobile devices or USB dongles, to measure the Quality of Service and Customer satisfaction on any telecommunication networks (WiFi, 2G, 3G, 3G+ and LTE). All QoS & QoE (Quality of Experience) KPIs are gathered and displayed within a friendly user-interface. Thanks to its Modeler and Campaign manager interfaces, the Monitoring engine speeds the performance tests of mobile network services that are performed by a smartphone.

    V3D has massively invested in the server and dashboard capacities, which are keys to deliver the expected level of performance to mobile operators acquiring the technology of Sibyltel. Equal ONE offers mobile operators a configurable platform to easily visualize complex and real-time data in an interactive way on any web browsers, including those from tabloids (iPad, Galaxy Tab). All valuable and real-time key troubleshooting issues can be also analysed through a Geographical Map layer that provides network coverage, radio information, and device key metrics.

    V3D's co-CEO Jean-Marc Truong says, "With Equal ONE, any mobile operators can measure QoS/QoE from the customer perspective. All Network Performance KPIs have been challenged, proven, and trusted with major mobile operators and vendors. We built our software suite based on our 15 years of telecom experiences with leading mobile operators in the world. Our objective is to become the QoS Customer Centric solution reference converting all devices in active smart sensors."