'The Global Learning Series' to feature HP, MSI in 'Understanding Scientific Research' program

National Television Education Series to Highlight Scientific Research and Supercomputing.

“The Global Learning Series,” an education-focused public television distributed program, will feature HP and University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) in an episode called “Understanding Scientific Research.”

The show will be distributed in early summer to public television stations and several cable television stations throughout the country. The program aims to educate viewers on important issues and advances regarding higher education research computing across a broad range of facilities including medicine and engineering.

“We are honored to shoot this story with HP at the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute for Advanced Computational Research. Our focus is to inform and educate global audiences including high end researchers, computational scientists and technologists about issues and technological advances in research computing. HP has reached and exceeded global leadership status in this area,” noted John McGuire, Executive Producer of Programming for “The Global Learning Series.”

Research Institutions and Universities are in a very competitive environment for funding and top talent and expertise. Advanced HPC technology is a foundation for 21st Century research. Key universities like MSI depend on HP high performance technology to increase performance, speed application development and accelerate research projects across the digital campus. Over 40% of the world’s most powerful top 500 Super Computing sites run on HP technology.