3D Visualization Technologies for medical, life Sciences

Open Inventor by VSG is the premier solution for high-level 3D programming in all types of medical and life science applications. Whatever your visualization requirements are, Open Inventor saves you time and provides the features, performance and image quality you need to be successful.

A Wide Range of Applications:

State-of-the-art volume visualization in the VolumeViz extension makes Open Inventor by VSG a preferred solution for all types of 3D imaging, including X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, optical, and electron microscopy. Fast, efficient rendering of all types of geometry also makes it effective for many other applications, including image processing and analysis, PACS, therapy and surgery planning, implant design, forensic medicine, education, training, and even molecular modeling.

A Wide Range of Developers:

Open Inventor is the solution of choice for commercial and non-commercial developers. Whether you are an independent software vendor or a hardware vendor, Open Inventor gets your software to market faster, with superior images and performance.

Researchers find Open Inventor easy to use, easy to extend and capable of publication quality hardcopy. All of our customers benefit from extensive documentation, example programs, training and technical support.

High-level Productivity:

Adopting Open Inventor means that your development team will be more productive (get product to market faster), more effective (produce higher quality and higher performance product) and add more value by focusing on your domain expertise. Let your competitors worry about re-implementing rendering algorithms. Invest your resources in innovative new solutions and be sure that you are using the best 3D visualization available.

State-of-the-Art Volume Visualization:

Our volume visualization team is constantly working to improve image quality, performance and capacity, using the latest rendering algorithms and the latest graphics hardware features. Advanced rendering techniques like pre-integrated rendering,

lighting and higher order gradient calculations are built-in. Image enhancement techniques like boundary opacity and edge coloring are also standard features. A sophisticated data manager called LDM allows fully interactive rendering of very large volumes even with limited memory.

Extensive Data Support and Data Fusion:

VolumeViz has built-in support for widely used volume data formats like DICOM and stacks of images. Plus you can use data in almost any format by writing a volume reader plug-in. Open Inventor’s scene graph architecture makes it easy to combine multiple modalities, multi-channel data, volume and polygon data in the same scene. Open Inventor has optional importers for many CAD data formats and the MeshViz extension can be used to extract iso-surfaces or render CFD/FEA data.

Scalable and Remote Visualization:

When you need support for more advanced rendering requirements, Open Inventor is ready with the ScaleViz extension. Using ScaleViz your application seamlessly scales up to use multiple GPUs, distributed rendering, high-resolution tiled display walls and even immersive VR environments. Remote visualization allows your application to do 3D rendering on a visualization server, located anywhere on the network, and display locally.

Performance and GPU Computing:

Modern graphics boards combined with Open Inventor can easily provide the image quality and performance that once required special purpose volume rendering hardware. VolumeViz comes with an extensive library of sophisticated “shader” functions that execute on the GPU. Developers can easily integrate their own shader programs into this framework to implement rendering algorithms or do “just in time” computing on the GPU. Open Inventor also provides a framework for migrating more complex computations onto the GPU using the CUDA language from NVIDIA.

Integration with Your Environment:

Careful design and flexible architecture allow Open Inventor to support a wide variety of development and deployment environments, making it easy to integrate with your application and user interface. Open Inventor can be used with many different:

• Operating systems (including Microsoft Windows, Linux and UNIX)

• Programming languages (including C++, C# (.NET) and Java)

• User interface toolkits (including Qt, .NET, Wx, MFC andMotif )

• Graphics boards

3D visualization is valuable for many types of life science data and has become a critical requirement for a growing number of applications. Just a few of the many organizations using Open Inventor for life science applications are: Millensys, Dosisoft, Mediacybernetics, Symbios, Visage Imaging, Imricor, JEOL, ZIB (Zuse Institute Berlin), the Hannover Medical School.