Santiago De Compostela Symposium on Industrial Transfer, Mathematics

  • success stories will be displayed in the field of transfer mathematical technology to industry.
  • Two USC thesis awarded in national competition dissertations in the field of Industrial Mathematics.

From July 12 to July 14, a symposium will be held in Santiago de Compostela called the "Conference on Transfer RSME and Industrial Mathematics." Promoted by the Royal Mathematical Society Spanish, RSME, these days are part of the acts to commemorate its centennial, this institution has been held over this 2011. During the conference were case studies in the field of mathematical technology transfer to the productive sector, the result of fruitful collaborations between academia and industry.

The official opening will take place tomorrow at 9.30 am in the Faculty of Mathematics, Santiago de Compostela and with the participation of General Director of Technology Transfer and Business Development MICINN, Margarita Segarra Muñoz, the Director General for Research Development and Innovation of the Xunta de Galicia, Ricardo Pueyo Chapel, the Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Juan Casares Long, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, USC, Victoria Otero Espinar, the President of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, Antonio Campillo.

The organization of the conference from the University of Santiago de Compostela has been borne by Peregrina Quintela who chairs the committee Organizer and Alfredo Bermudez, president of the Scientific Committee. The wide Galician representation of the institution is the result of recognition internationally in the field of Industrial Mathematics.

These involve European experts will present applications subjects as diverse as financial risk analysis, prediction water quality of lakes formed in open pit, modification real-time aircraft flight paths to avoid proximity to other aircraft, software development support for the design of furnaces coreless induction to the molten metal and improve its performance, numerical simulation of metallurgical compound electrodes, improvement and monitoring of chemical processes, numerical simulation of machines electrical or planning of cultural industries.

Behind all these experiences are the R & D companies such as International Financial Analyst (AFI), Ferroatlántica R & D GMV Aerospace and Defence, SA, lignite Meirama, Open Grid Europe GmbH, Orono, or UBE Qlucore CORPORATION EUROPE SA Industrielles et Mathématiques Appliquées (SMAI), Matti HEILIÖ, president ofParticipants include Maria Jesús Esteban, president of the Société de education committee of the European Consortium for Mathematics and Industry (ECMI) and Grötschel Martin, vice president, Konrad - Zuse - Zentrum für Informationstechnik.

USC Thesis Awarded by the RSME During this conference, framed in the Acts of the Centenary of RSME, President of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society will present the awards National Contest of PhD theses in the field of Industrial Mathematics. The four winning theses focus on themes such diverse as the design of algorithms to propose changes real-time path of an aircraft in flight to avoid proximity to other aircraft, the numerical simulation of a geochemical model that allows predict the water quality of lakes formed in open pit mines, the software development support for the design of induction furnaces without manufactured for the molten core metal and improve its performance once installed or the design of intelligent systems for prediction and control surface finish in milling processes at high speed. The theses have been made thanks to the interest of companies such as R & D Ferroatlántica, GMV Aerospace and Defence SA Meirama lignite.

The winners, Maritza Correa Valencia Francisco Javier Martín Campo Light María García García and Rafael Vazquez Hernandez have developed their work at the universities of Madrid, King Juan Carlos and Santiago de Compostela.

The award ceremony will take place at three-thirty pm at the Aula Magna School of Mathematics, University of Compostela, and Then the winners will present the findings of their work in Days RSME Industrial Mathematics to be held from 12 to 14 July in Santiago.

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