Univa Unifies Grid Engine, Eucalyptus Clouds

Connects SuperCompute and Data Analysis Grids to Cloud Management Solution

Univa (www.univa.com) has partnered with Eucalyptus Systems to enable organizations to seamlessly integrate Eucalyptus on-premise cloud management software into their Grid Engine compute environments. This enables organizations using Grid Engine to fully exploit the benefits of dynamic, scalable and self-serve cloud systems within the backbone of their production compute and data analysis infrastructures.

To date, most HPC customers have been hampered with the disjointed and additional management layers that come when private clouds are introduced into compute and data analysis grids: management and provisioning of various hypervisors, the configuration of virtual machines and connecting dynamic systems into the resource management. Different management systems and APIs in public clouds can further complicate cloud bursting peak workloads.

Univa and Eucalyptus Systems have solved these issues and now offer the power of private clouds to the High Performance SuperComputing masses, in addition to enabling Eucalyptus clouds to seamlessly embed Grid Engine workloads.

Key Benefits

  • Extension of cloud projects into the backbone of some of the largest compute and data analysis infrastructures
  • Dynamic and self-serve provisioning of systems tied directly to workload requirements
  • Workload Mobility and seamless cloud bursting to Amazon AWS
  • Common management of on-premise business, compute and cloud systems

"The presence and the growth of Eucalyptus clouds in our customer base is astounding," said Gary Tyreman, CEO of Univa Corporation. "We recognized the need to simplify the integration and improved manageability for our customers. The benefits of embedding Grid Engine workload into dynamic private clouds includes job mobility, the ability to check-point and to tie resource allocation directly to workload requirements - all of which improves resource optimization."

"Technical computing infrastructures continue to evolve rapidly as they must support an ever-accelerating innovation cycle," said Rich Wolski, CTO at Eucalyptus Systems. "The ability to re-purpose systems quickly is a key capability for lowering the cost of IT. Integrating Grid Engine systems into the elastic and scalable Eucalyptus private cloud creates a new kind of flexible software environment for simultaneously managing cloud and HPC workloads."

More details on this partnership can be found at http://www.univa.com or http://www.eucalyptus.com