SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 Sets New Standard in Ultra-Dense Data Storage

As more customers face challenges due to expanding data storage demands, slow data back-ups, and sluggish retrieval speeds, Silicon Graphics today unveiled a breakthrough mass storage sub-system that drives down the cost of rapidly accessing data stored on disk, while dramatically shrinking its footprint. The SGI(R) InfiniteStorage 10000 fits up to 240TB of Serial ATA (SATA) disk capacity in a single rack consuming just five square feet of floor space, and up to 480TB behind a single pair of controllers. The SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 addresses the needs of users who demand massive amounts of online storage, more terabytes per square foot, and fast retrieval of archived data at a price per terabyte that is comparable to a tape library. The versatile nature of the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 allows it to address a wide variety of high-capacity storage applications: -- Enterprise customers will find that the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 serves as an ideal target for Email archive and compliance repositories due to its 480TB of storage capacity. -- Technical computing customers, taking advantage of the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 system's high performance and excellent cost structure, will find that the system allows them to move large data sets from tape libraries to disk. -- Government and Commercial Organizations looking for remote site disaster recovery storage will find the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 can be a key part of the business continuity planning with its large capacity for efficient storage of the backup data and high performance to enable rapid recovery in the event of a disaster. -- Any customer looking to improve backup windows and to meet RTO (recovery time objectives) will find that the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 makes an ideal disk to disk back up target, with its improved performance over standard disk subsystems and very dense footprint of 240TB per floor tile. The SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 is a versatile storage platform that supplements online disk for such applications as disk-to-disk back-up, online archiving, data lifecycle management, and data consolidation. With 8+2 dual-parity support to ensure continuous data protection and a high availability design, the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 features a high-performance Fibre Channel architecture that reliably delivers more than 2.5 GB/second of read/write performance. This means that customer data will be available when they need it. "Users in today's data-intensive environments face three challenges: time, space and cost," said John Howarth, director, Storage and Software Group, SGI. "We believe that users will find that the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 uniquely addresses all three of these problems at the same time. The system provides a solution to the problem of how to store large amounts of data that need to be accessed rapidly." Low cost, small footprint, fast and reliable access With an acquisition cost approaching that of tape library-based storage but with the data access speed and administrative advantages of disk, the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 is ideal for organizations evaluating ways to expand their capacity, cut back-up times and speed delivery of data that is all too often found to be stored on tape. The new system also comes standard with SGI's Web-based storage management software. It features a simple, intuitive browser-based interface that provides a single console for managing the SGI InfiniteStorage 10000 and other systems from one or more locations on the network.