Verari Systems Announces VS7000i Native InfiniBand Attached Storage Array

Verari Systems, the premier developer of powerful, platform-independent blade server systems, announced today the VS7000i native InfiniBand attached storage system. The VS7000i is based on the highly successful Verari Systems VS7000 controller technology sourced from Engenio Information Technology. The powerful storage processors and four 10Gb InfiniBand communication connectivity makes the VS7000i storage system the ideal storage platform to realize the vision of the converged High Performance Computing Cluster by combining communications, clustering and storage on a common System Area Network. Verari Systems' InfiniBand-based HPC cluster deployments have been driving the demand for a native InfiniBand storage solution. The VS7000i fulfills this demand while delivering significant performance boosts and cost savings over Fibre Channel to InfiniBand bridge solutions. The VS7000i enables data center unification simplifying management, reducing capital expenditures and operating expenses while improving ROI. "Several of our customers who have deployed InfiniBand networks for their processor communications in BladeRack clusters have said the InfiniBand switch is already there, why can't I plug in my storage?" said David Driggers, CEO of Verari Systems. "Verari Systems is very pleased to address our customers' needs for a unified System Area Network. The incremental cost to utilize the VS7000i native InfiniBand storage per server is effectively zero." The VS7000i storage system provides the increased capabilities demanded by high performance computing environments that store and utilize vast amounts of data for high-bandwidth programs and complex application processing. Its powerful storage controllers and 10Gb InfiniBand interfaces are ideally suited for high performance cluster computing (HPCC) environments that utilize global namespace file systems to perform sophisticated, data-intensive research. Veritas DGC, Inc., provides geophysical information and services to the oil and gas industry that reduce exploration risk and enhance drilling and production success worldwide. These information and services include seismic survey planning and design, seismic data acquisition, data processing, seismic data library, data visualization and interpretation and reservoir characterization. "The geophysical industry is founded on technology, and the pace which technological improvements are introduced drives industry growth," said Peter Harris, Manager of Advanced Hardware and Software Systems for Veritas. "Veritas is a company that aggressively pursues innovation and new technologies through ongoing research and development efforts. We operate (or manage, etc.) significant deployments of Verari Systems' compute clusters in our data processing centers worldwide. The Verari Systems cluster technology combined with the new VS7000i storage systems allow us to service our clients by providing higher fidelity imaging solutions with a turnaround time that was unachievable before," said Harris. "We are excited about Verari's interest in extending their relationship with Engenio to include InfiniBand technology," said Steve Gardner, Engenio's director of product marketing. "InfiniBand's high performance, low latency, and attractive costs match well with Verari Systems' BladeRack technology."