Storage Specialist, LapiStor, Announces Management Buyout

LapiStor Ltd - which specialises in the design and manufacturer of high-performance and cost-effective data storage solutions - today announced that senior management within the company have completed a buyout of the firm. This Management Buyout has been led by Managing Director, Tony Howard, and Technical Director, Andrew Double. Identifying the main benefits that will flow from the MBO, Tony Howard said “We expect to take advantage of faster decision making and will not be restrained by the delays inherent in the corporate governance of public companies. Certainly, as owners, we will have a much more motivated management team. “Leading market analysts agree in issuing strong growth forecasts for our sector of the Storage market and we expect to capitalize on that opportunity. We are, also, well-placed to satisfy the rapidly rising demand for SATA-II technology and expect to reap the rewards of recent investments in technical pre & post sales support. “Innovative recent product features have helped us to achieve a number of significant design wins in new markets, and we are forecasting that company turnover will significantly increase in 2006.”