World's Fastest Storage Backed With A Performance Guarantee

Texas Memory Systems, makers of the World’s Fastest Storage, announced that it is now guaranteeing that RamSan solid state disks will deliver faster performance than any competitive storage product and that software application performance will be accelerated to the satisfaction of customers. This guarantee is an industry first and is expected to increase the number of organizations trying, and ultimately using, solid state technology to accelerate their software applications. Organizations that are unfamiliar with solid state disks performance and price-performance metrics often end up with a poor return on investment by adding processors, RAM, hard drives, monolithic RAID or constantly re-coding databases when trying to solve application performance problems, A solid state disk is a very cost effective way to solve performance issues. Solid state disks are strategically used to accelerate enterprise applications like databases, OLTP (online transaction processing), OLAP (online analytical processing), modeling, and data acquisition. Typical users include corporations in the financial, telecom, broadcasting, and e-commerce sectors as well as government, military and research organizations. In a recent independent survey, people who already used solid state disks (all manufacturers) were asked to rate their experience of the benefits delivered, compared to expectations. 65% said solid state disk greatly exceeded expectations; 6% said their experience exceeded expectations and 6% said their experience met expectations. While 12% said they were mildly disappointed, nobody (zero percent) was strongly disappointed. When asked what would make it easier to buy solid state disk technology and remove doubts and risks which currently act as roadblocks, 52% suggested performance guarantees and 44% suggested try-before-you-buy programs. "Many customers are implementing multiple storage tiers that offer different levels of performance, based on measurable cost/benefit advantages," said David Freund, Information Architectures Practice Leader at Illuminata. "Yet most shy away from adding a higher-performance solid state disk tier based solely on cost. Assuring customers their expectations will be met or exceeded with a money-back guarantee removes a significant obstacle, enabling more IT shops to consider using solid state disk in their storage infrastructures." "Before CIOs invest in solid state disk technology they want to know if it will deliver the desired performance within their own unique IT environment," said Woody Hutsell, Texas Memory Systems' Executive Vice President. "We can make reasonable predictions about performance. However, an actual installation removes any doubt. Our guarantee mitigates the financial risk of investing in Texas Memory Systems' solid state storage making us the safest investment." The guarantee can be summarized as follows and full details are available at Background Texas Memory Systems ( manufactures the World's Fastest Storage and is the market leader in solid state disks. Their RamSan line of solid state storage is used to accelerate enterprise applications like OLTP databases, batch processes, and data warehouses, modeling and video editing. Founded in 1978, they sell direct to large enterprise and government organizations. They also sell through OEM and reseller partners.