Isilon Clustered Storage Provides Densho With Ability to Store History

Isilon Systems, the premier provider of intelligent clustered storage for digital content, and Densho today announced that Densho has selected Isilon's award-winning Isilon IQ clustered storage for capturing, preserving and providing immediate access to visual histories of those affected by World War II incarceration. Densho, a Japanese term meaning "to pass on to the next generation," is a cutting-edge non-profit organization founded in 1996 to record the history of World War II internment of Japanese-Americans. Densho explores issues of democracy, intolerance, wartime hysteria, civil rights and societal responsibilities of citizenship. Organizations such as Densho are pioneering the use of multimedia technologies for chronicling historical events with unprecedented levels of detail and clarity. Isilon IQ allows Densho to provide immediate access to their content, easily capture new memories, grow their repository, and share their vast collection of video, audio and photography on a global basis with patrons and researchers. "The digital assets and video interviews we collect are critical resources for us," said Geoff Froh, technical manager for Densho. "Isilon IQ has vastly simplified our storage architecture, and helps us to never say no to a new memory. Honestly, I'm sleeping better at night knowing our collection is so well protected on Isilon IQ." With vast amounts of digital information being produced in greater quantities and with greater frequency than ever before, archivists, technologists and historians are faced with the daunting challenge of preserving today's digital content for future generations. A host of public, private and educational organizations are attacking this issue, and the United States Library of Congress recently launched the massive National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP). By collaborating with member libraries, vendors, and partners, NDIIPP seeks to establish a national strategy for collecting, preserving and sharing the burgeoning amounts of digital content. Isilon's reliable, scalable, and simple next generation clustered storage systems are ideal for this new category of applications. "It is an honor for Isilon to play such a vital role in helping Densho fulfill its mission of historical preservation and education," said Brett Goodwin, vice president of marketing and business development for Isilon Systems. "Isilon IQ was built from the ground up with the needs of digital content storage and preservation in mind. We are committed to working with our library and preservation customers to help them continually improve how they archive, share and grow their vast collections." Isilon IQ is a high performance clustered storage system that combines an intelligent distributed file system with modular industry standard hardware to deliver unmatched simplicity and scalability. Isilon's OneFS distributed file system, now in its third generation, offers industry leading reliability, eliminates islands of storage by creating a single global namespace, and enables customers to grow storage capacity and performance linearly.