Colorado gold

Aspens near Rifle, Colorado, turn brilliant gold, signifying the arrival of fall. Jim Rosinski, a software engineer in NCAR's Climate and Global Dynamics (CGD) Division, snapped this digital photo during a tour of the high country from 25-28 September 2003. Jim is a member of CGD's Climate Modeling Section and part of a team building the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). CAM, the atmosphere component of the Community Climate System Model, is a tool employed by climate researchers worldwide to study long-term climate variability. NCAR's Jim Rosinski captured this shot on a forest road between Rifle and Buford, Colorado, west of the Continental Divide.
Jim uses bluesky, blackforest, and chinnook, high-performance computers managed and operated by SCD, for his model runs. Jim has two degrees in meteorology—an undergraduate degree from McGill University in Montreal and a master's from the University of Wisconsin-Madison—as well as a master's degree in computer science from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Photo: Jim Rosinski, NCAR/CGD