LSI Logic Storage Systems Receives FCIA SANmark 2003 Certification

MILPITAS, CA -- LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc., a leading supplier of innovative storage solutions for the open enterprise, today announced that the company's MetaStor(R) E-Series storage systems are the first to achieve the SANmark(TM) Qualification for the SCD-2003 and SCD-2001 test suites from the Fibre Channel Industry Association (FCIA). Passing these latest SANmark qualification programs means that MetaStor E-Series storage systems now officially adhere to the latest FCIA SANmark Conformance Documents, an achievement that no other storage vendor can claim. SANmark Conformance Documents provide precise "pass-fail" criteria to quantify mainstream measurable product characteristics that are consensus approved among open industry contributors who invest in the SANmark program. These characteristics focus on key standards that impact interoperability and compatibility. "In the absence of industry standards that are enforced with certification by organizations such as FCIA, vendors create islands of incompatible proprietary technology," said Randy Kerns, a partner in The Evaluator Group. "Even so, every association has vendors who pursue compliance with the standards and vendors who just mouth the words. By their actions, LSI Logic Storage Systems once again is demonstrating commitment and leadership in open systems." In addition to meeting SANmark's standards for interoperability, LSI Logic Storage Systems is a charter member of SNIA and the recently formed Supported Solutions Forum (SSF). The SSF provides a mechanism for posting vendor-supplied, interoperable configurations and promotes cooperation within the vendor community. "Interoperability specifications such as the FCIA SANmark, which establish industry-wide ground rules for choice and for change, are extremely important to our customers," said Flavio Santoni, vice president of sales and marketing for LSI Logic Storage Systems Inc. "By specifying SANmark qualified solutions in every procurement and proposal request, users can insure that all conscientious storage vendors get on board." The MetaStor family of storage systems scales four thousand fold, from 36 gigabytes to 160 terabytes of online data storage, and now features two gigabit Fibre Channel connectivity. In direct attach, storage area network (SAN) or network attached storage (NAS) configurations, MetaStor systems support AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, NetWare, Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. For more information visit