LSI Logic Storage Systems Announces MetaStor E4600HPCx Storage System

MILPITAS, CA—LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc., a leading supplier of innovative storage solutions for the open enterprise, today announced the new MetaStor® E4600HPCx storage system. Built expressly for high throughput applications such as complex modeling, seismic processing, and streaming video, the MetaStor E4600HPCx can be configured to deliver sustained data transfer rates up to 1.56 gigabytes per second and up to 160 terabytes (TB) of data storage capacity. The new storage system is available now in limited release and will be generally available in the first quarter of 2002. “High performance computing environments will like this package as it delivers screaming performance for sequential access and channel partners will like the fact that the complete package is supported by LSI Logic. It is a win-win all around,” said Arun Taneja, senior analyst at the Enterprise Storage Group. The MetaStor E4600HPCx is available in three models, the E4600HPCx2; the E4600HPCx3; and the E4600HPCx4, with practical, sustained transfer rates of 780, 1170, and 1560 megabytes per second respectively. Each model can support up to 16 Fibre Channel host connections through an advanced, internal 2 gigabit switching architecture and uses a striping strategy that optimizes data transfer performance by minimizing head movement across multiple volumes. “Today, high performance applications are still throttled by storage systems that cannot deliver the needed performance at the right price point,” said Flavio Santoni, vice president of sales and marketing at LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc. “With the MetaStor E4600HPCx, we once again are raising the price/performance bar for storage systems with an easy to deploy and space-efficient solution.” LSI Logic Storage Systems markets the MetaStor E-Series family of storage systems, plus sophisticated software and systems for resource consolidation, replication, and administration. The MetaStor E-Series scales more than a thousand fold and now features two gigabit Fibre Channel connectivity. In direct attach, storage area network (SAN), or network attached storage (NAS) configurations, MetaStor systems support AIX, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, NetWare, Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. For more information visit