LSI Logic Storage Systems Introduces ConverSANt Storage Networking

MILPITAS, CA -- LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc., a leading supplier of innovative storage solutions for the open enterprise, today announced the ConverSANt Storage Networking feature for its MetaStor(R) family of network- and SAN-attached storage systems. MetaStor products featuring ConverSANt Storage Networking, which will be available later this quarter, combine file and block-level access to the same storage system, eliminating islands of storage created by discrete SAN and NAS devices. Organizations that are planning to consolidate resources such as storage or servers may now select both MetaStor E-Series SAN-attached and N-Series network-attached storage systems with the assurance of combining them into a single, cohesive resource. Through the use of ConverSANt Storage Networking, storage administrators may realize improvements in storage utilization of up to 60 percent. "Information is the most powerful tool available to the enterprise, but only if it can be harnessed," said Mitch Seigle, senior director of strategic marketing at LSI Logic Storage Systems, Inc. "While many organizations are increasing their capacity to store and access more information by replicating servers and storage, the costs of managing it all are rising to new levels.” ConverSANt Storage Networking offers a simple, compelling alternative by consolidating storage and servers into a unified resource with a significantly lower total cost of ownnfigurations, MetaStor systems support AIX, CIFS, HP-UX, http, IRIX, Linux, Mac(R)OS, NetWare, NFS, Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. For more information visit