Communities benefit from 1 million Intel volunteer hours in 2008

Intel Employees Honor Company’s 40th Anniversary by Volunteering 1 Million Hours and Raising $8 million; Results in New Skills-Based Volunteer Program: Schoolchildren, families in need, senior citizens and even turtles are just a few of the beneficiaries of Intel Corporation’s 40th anniversary, celebrated by 1 million volunteer hours in 2008. Increased volunteerism where employees live and work has spurred the development of a new skills-based volunteer program at the company, matching employees with specialized skills with community needs. In recognition of International Volunteer Day, Intel’s CEO and President Paul Otellini thanked employees for their volunteerism. Intel employees gave of their time in more than 40 countries in 2008, a more than 50 percent increase over 2007. More than 47,000 Intel employees volunteered in 2008, a 16 percent increase over 2007, for nearly 5,500 local schools, community support organizations and other non-profits. “Volunteerism is part of Intel’s values,” said Shelly Esque, Intel vice president, Legal and Corporate Affairs. “The uncertain economic outlook makes volunteerism more important than ever and Intel’s commitment is stronger than ever. The impact of 1 million hours of volunteering, coupled with the Intel Foundation’s volunteer matching grant of approximately $8 million for non-profits and schools, makes a big difference for the communities in which our employees live and work.” Examples of meaningful volunteering acts include an Intel-volunteer-led program focused on math and science. High school students go to Intel campuses in Israel after school to learn. One student wrote in his evaluation of the program, “Math has suddenly become exciting, special, beautiful and –- who could have believed it -– simple.” In San Jose, Calif., near Intel’s Santa Clara headquarters, youths with disabilities learned how to ride bikes -– and gain confidence and independence in the process -- with the help of Intel and the national non-profit group called Lose the Training Wheels. In India, one Intel volunteer taught youth how to create a kitchen garden and provided critical health information that allowed students and their families to eat and be healthier. In Brazil, Intel sales managers invited youngsters from underserved communities onto Intel campuses for mentoring and internships. Those benefiting from Intel’s increased volunteerism weren’t limited to humans. In Massachusetts, a program to save an endangered and colorful Kestrel falcon is way ahead of schedule thanks to Intel employees who built the wooden boxes required for nesting. Intel volunteers adopted turtles in Malaysia, with one turtle named Intel equipped with a satellite transmitter to help experts diagnose why the turtle's population is dwindling. Using the professional expertise honed at Intel, a group of employees from Intel’s New Mexico human resources group held a career clinic at a family services center, helping clients update resumes, complete job applications and provide interviewing tips. This skills-based type of volunteerism was so well-received in Intel communities around the world that Intel plans to continue the 40th anniversary momentum with a greater focus in this area. Employees with specialized disciplines will be matched with community needs. Their efforts will earn grants for the organization while delivering valuable professional services in finance, HR, strategic planning, engineering, Information Technology and other areas. For more examples of Intel’s volunteerism, please see its Web site.