National Internet2 Day to Use VBrick Systems' Technology

VBrick Systems, the leader in digital video solutions, will play a key role on a historic day for Internet2. When Internet2 showcases its advanced network applications on March 18, 2004, a series of virtual presentations, demonstrations, and interactive performance events will be conducted. VBrick's innovative network video appliances will enable Columbia University, University of California, Rochester Institute of Technology, and many others, to broadcast live, low delay, DVD-quality video over Internet2's Abilene Network during this first-ever National Internet2 Day. Internet2, a consortium created to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, will be holding its first National Internet2 Day to demonstrate the value of a high speed network and the reality and potential of cutting-edge Internet applications. This virtual event will originate from member campuses across the country and will be carried over the Abilene Network. It will feature speakers from disciplines in science and research, teaching, and the performing arts and cover topics including collaboration and integrated technologies. Speakers will cover timely and relevant topics such as security and cyber-infrastructure. "Our goal is to not only facilitate communication between these Internet2 universities and institutions, but to create a much greater awareness of the revolutionary potential of advanced networks and advanced applications," said Laurie Burns, Director of Applications Programs and Member Activities for Internet2. "Our partnership with VBrick will enhance cooperation between industry and academia and help catalyze innovation." Building on a long-standing Internet2 Sponsorship, VBrick will play a central role in National Internet2 Day by providing several state-of-the-art MPEG-2 network video appliances and accompanying software to the Internet2 community. VBrick's technology will enable participating higher learning institutions across the country to send and receive reliable, high-quality video and audio over the Abilene Network. In addition to viewing live, full screen DVD-quality video on desktops and TV monitors, participants will also experience painless interactive two-way television via the VBrick technology. "VBrick has long supported the efforts of the Internet2 consortium and recognizes the profound impact it is having on the evolution of the Internet," said Rich Mavrogeanes, Founder and CTO of VBrick Systems. "As companies begin to improve on the existing Internet infrastructure, video applications have played an increasingly important role for applications such as distance learning, surveillance, corporate training, and improved human communications." In addition to generating awareness of Internet2's network capabilities, this day's seminars will allow participating universities to gain experience with cutting-edge video communication technology like VBrick. National Internet2 Day will originate from member campuses across the country and will be carried over the Abilene Network, a high-performance backbone network that enables the development of advanced Internet applications and the deployment of leading-edge network services to Internet2 universities and research labs across the country.