Presidential Award For Corporate Leadership Presented to Cisco Systems

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of Commerce Don Evans today presented the Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership to Cisco Systems and Fannie Mae at a White House ceremony. Fully funded by the private sector, the Ron Brown Award is the only Presidential Award recognizing companies for outstanding achievement in employee and community relations. Sponsored and managed by The Conference Board, one of the world's leading research and business membership organizations, the Award was established by President Clinton in honor of the late U.S. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown. "Corporate stewardship is alive and well in America," said Secretary of Commerce Don Evans. "American businesses know they are the stewards of capitalism and our economic system. I'm proud to present Cisco and Fannie Mae with the Ron Brown leadership award this year. Their commitment to their communities and employees is to be commended." Winners were selected by a blue-ribbon panel of independent judges. Fannie Mae, based in Washington, D.C., is being honored for a highly successful program that makes it possible for its employees to become homeowners and helps employers across the nation promote affordable homeownership for their employees. Cisco Systems, based in San Jose, California, is being honored for a highly acclaimed program that teaches high school and college students to build and maintain extensive computer networks.