GridSystems Features Its Financial Market Solutions in the IBM Forum

Palma-Madrid, GridSystems features its financial market solutions in the IBM forum (Madrid, September 17th). The forum is organised by IBM and Expansión. Joan Massó, CEO of GridSystems, will participate in the forum to provide a deep insight on how the GridSystem’s solutions permit the easy and non-intrusive implementation of Grid solutions into financial market environments. The IBM forum will start on Wednesday and it is fully committed to the financial market, to the latest technological advances, and to the so-called strategy on-demand, in order to provide solutions to the new business challenges and their fast pace of progress. This event will include real and practical cases, and technological and business solutions of the last generation for the financial market, which will allow the attendees to anticipate and react faster and in a more flexible way to the market needs. Special attention is devoted to: cost slashing and efficiency improvements, grid computing applied to financial markets, implementation of new technologies on fraud detection and money laundering, integration of data sources, business processes and tools, etc.