Sun Microsystems Unveils, the Ultimate Destination for Developers

SAN FRANCISCO, JavaOne(SM) Developer Conference-- Sun Microsystems, Inc. today unveiled, a new community and Web site created to facilitate Java(TM) technology collaboration in applied areas of technology and vertical industry solutions. Sponsored by Sun, the creator and leading advocate of Java technology, with editorial resources and technology infrastructure provided by CollabNet, Inc. and O'Reilly & Associates, aims to expand the Java technology portfolio of applications, tools and services. Leading technology companies, industry associations, universities and research institutions, Java user groups and individual Java technology enthusiasts will all come together at with industry veterans such as James Gosling, the creator of Java technology, to enhance the developer community and experience., an open source development site, will offer a rich array of advanced collaboration tools including project and community source code hosting, mailing lists, forums, blogs (online journals featuring regular participation by James Gosling) and wikis -- collaborative hypertext documents authored with a simple markup scheme. also hosts a "Javapedia" -- a wiki-based encyclopedia of Java software, terms, luminaries, service providers and more -- currently being developed by Java technology enthusiasts. "I'm very excited about the strength and variety of code coming to, and about the opportunity the new community gives developers to propel Java technology into new markets and new applications," said James Gosling, Sun fellow, senior vice president, Sun Laboratories, and creator of Java technology. "There's a tremendous collective force of innovation and ideas flowing through, and I can't wait to see what it spawns." "Java technology's enduring value is driven by the collaboration of the Java technology developer community," said Ingrid Van Den Hoogen, senior director of Java and strategic marketing for software, Sun Microsystems. "Sun is again delivering on its long-held belief that the community offers the best, most rapid path to innovation. offers developers worldwide the resources they need to collectively unleash value from the next generation of Java technology." -- The Source for Java Technology Collaboration Sun Microsystems also announced today that it will open-source millions of lines of code at Examples of the wide variety of code and toolsets, communities and projects Sun will make available at the site include: -- Java Desktop -- A new gathering place for members of the Java graphical user interface (GUI) community offering discussions, technical articles, open source projects and other news of interest to developers who use the Java desktop platform to produce applications with rich client interfaces. -- Java Web services and XML -- Sun demonstrates its commitment to the open source Web services community with its contribution of key XML technologies including Java API for XML-Based Remote Procedure Calls (JAX-RPC), enabling developers to build Web applications and services with Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and supporting Web Services Description Language (WSDL); Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), enabling developers to generate Java classes from XML schemas, providing an efficient and standard way to map between XML and Java code; and SOAP with Attachments API for Java 1.1 (SAAJ), providing fundamental support in the Java platform for building basic SOAP messages. -- Java Gaming -- A community Web site that provides the gaming community with a place to share ideas and gain up-to-date information about Java technology-related gaming development resources. The work of existing open source communities will also be part of, including: -- Project JXTA -- An award-winning set of open, generalized peer-to-peer protocols that allow any connected device (cell phone to PDA, PC to server) on the network to communicate and collaborate. -- Jini(TM) -- An open software architecture that enables the creation of network-centric solutions which are highly adaptive to change. -- NetBeans(TM) -- A modular, extensible, multi-platform Java integrated development environment (IDE). Third-Party Support for Sun's move to establish has met with tremendous enthusiasm from a wide spectrum of third-party organizations. The following companies will participate in or have indicated their support for Borland Software Corp., Compuware Corp., Cysive, DigiSlice Corp., ObjectVenture, Inc., Oracle Corp., Quest Software, Inc., Software AG, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Systinet Corp., Zero G Software, Inc. "Borland has established deep roots in the Java community and is recognized for optimizing developer productivity via solutions such as the market leading Borland JBuilder, as well as Borland Optimizeit Suite and Borland Together ControlCenter," said George Paolini, vice president and general manager of Java solutions, Borland. "We are committed to serving software development teams and speeding their application time to market. is a positive step toward driving collaboration in the Java community." "Oracle is pleased to be involved in the launch of the new Web-based community, and is looking forward to actively participating in what promises to be a rich source of collaboration and innovation around the Java platform," said John Magee, vice president of Oracle9i Application Server Marketing, Oracle. Vertical industry groups also play an active role in the community. Both the OSS through Java Initiative (OSS/J) and JAIN(TM) Initiative -- a set of Java technology-based APIs that enable the rapid development of next-generation telecommunications products and services on the Java platform -- comprise telecommunications industry leaders. will help move the mature technologies encompassed in OSS/J and JAIN to the next level of adoption, accelerating the deployment of breakthrough telecommunications solutions powered by Java technology. Another vertical group that will be joining is SIIA, the Software and Information Industry Association. The initial program and support for are being contributed by Sun, while the technology infrastructure is being provided by CollabNet and O'Reilly & Associates. "Sun has seen the community-based, open source software development approach work for its OpenOffice, Project JXTA, NetBeans and Jini projects," said Brian Behlendorf, CollabNet founder, CTO and vice president, Engineering. "Now, with, Sun is taking an even broader approach to building the developer community, expanding and organizing the pool of public Java code, and increasing the power available to the developer. By basing on the CollabNet SourceCast environment, Sun brings to the developer a rich, project-based infrastructure for collaboration, one that promotes openness, transparency and historical archiving of all project activities." " was created to stir the pot and energize developers, and we anticipate that it will be a catalyst for future Java technology development," said Tim O'Reilly, founder and CEO of O'Reilly & Associates. "Because it's driven by the community, I expect the site to foment projects that surprise and intrigue." Java Research License In concert with the launch of, the Java Research License has been newly simplified to help spur innovation among universities and researchers in particular. and the CollabNet SourceCast software can support the use of any Open Source Initiative (OSI) approved license for projects developing source code. is pre-configured to support the BSD, Apache, SISSL, GPL, LGPL and MPL licenses, in addition to Java source code SCSL. also supports a variety of document licenses. More information on licensing is available at: For more information about the Conference visit