Kx Systems Announces Kdb+ High-Performance Relational Database Platform

PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Kx Systems, Inc., leading provider of high-performance relational database and analysis products, today announced kdb+, the next generation of the kdb database. With this announcement, Kx delivers kdb for 32-bit architectures and new kdb+ for 64 bit architectures. Kdb+ was added in response to the financial industry's need to process billions of events in real-time, on platforms such as Intel's Itanium 2 processor. By supporting industry-accepted 64-bit architectures, kdb+ helps financial firms control costs while managing expanding volumes of trade data. Also announced today are 64-bit versions of kdb+tick, the tick database application, and kdb+taq, a fast loader and analysis application for NYSE TAQ data. In today's financial markets, trading faster and more efficiently means trading more profitably. Kdb+ enables any market participant to achieve fast and efficient trading by: -- Handling up to 2 billion streaming ticks daily -- per each in-memory process -- Executing thousands of in-memory and historical queries simultaneously -- with real-time results -- Enabling firms to quickly implement sophisticated trading strategies -- Supporting standard interfaces: C/C++, Java and .NET -- Providing typical project ROI in 3 months "Kx is known in the financial world for helping firms solve 'impossible' problems. Our software helps them develop unique competitive strategies," said Arthur Whitney, Kx Systems CTO. "With kdb+ we are extending the capacity to acquire, manage, and analyze streaming data by a factor of 100, while also accommodating unlimited historical data. Given the trends in trading volumes and regulatory requirements, we expect that increasing numbers of firms will soon reach the point where 64-bit architectures are essential for continued profitability." In response to the increasing demand for Linux in financial applications, Kx developed kdb+ for Linux on Intel(R) Itanium 2-based platforms. The product also runs on 64-bit Solaris and 64-bit Windows Server 2003. Kdb+ has been field tested by several leading firms including Lehman Brothers. "Our financial customers are performing increasingly sophisticated analytics on larger amounts of data," said Jason Waxman, director of Itanium Platform Marketing at Intel. "Kdb+ offers fast, real-time analysis on vast amounts of data, making optimal use of the Itanium 2 processor's outstanding performance and memory capability."