Sun Microsystems Proposes Java Business Integration Specification

BOSTON, Web Services Edge Conference -- Sun Microsystems, Inc. today announced that it has submitted a proposal to the Java Community Process(SM) (JCP(SM)) that would expand the way Java developers build integration solutions by providing a standardized container for business integration components as part of the Java platform. By introducing this new integration architecture, Sun anticipates that business integration will quickly converge with Web services, helping to accelerate the adoption of Web services and reduce integration costs and complexity. The Java(TM) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE(TM)) has become the industry standard deployment platform for Java business application logic and Web services, and this proposed specification extends the platform to help enable developers to build on their existing J2EE technology based investments and expertise to create next-generation business integration solutions. "Just as Java technology originally revolutionized the industry by enabling developers to write once and run anywhere, Sun expects this new integration architecture to change the landscape of business integration," said Mark Bauhaus, vice president of Java Web Services for Sun Microsystems. "By providing interoperability between disparate integration systems and delivering an open, standards based infrastructure for business integration, this integration architecture can help enable customers to more quickly, easily and cost effectively integrate business and legacy systems -- essentially letting them integrate once and run virtually anywhere." Sun's Java Business Integration Specification (JBI) was submitted to the JCP for standardization in late February and recently approved by the JCP executive committee. As outlined in the JSR, the Java business integration architecture will be based on a loosely coupled integration model that aligns with Web services style distributed computing. The JBI will utilize existing J2EE integration components such as the Java Message Service, Java Connector Architecture, and the J2EE 1.4 Web services APIs, adding a host of new capabilities as well. The integration specification defines an open ended pluggable architecture that will support both industry standard integration components as well as proprietary elements through the use of standardized interfaces. Sun will be seeking support for the convergence of existing Web services integration standards via multiple companies participating in the open JCP process. The business integration specification will be openly developed through the JCP and Sun expects there will be multiple implementations of it, creating new opportunities and expanding the market for integration based services and products. "As a leading provider of business process integration solutions, we agree that Web services and business integration are converging and believe that the Java platform is evolving to be the key enabler for this important transition," said Dale Skeen, chief technology officer, Vitria. "Our customers are eager to see business integration standardized and we are very supportive of the leadership role Sun is taking in this effort. We look forward to working with Sun and other members of the Java community to ensure the success of the JBI specification."