Promicro Systems Deploys Cluster Solution with Intel & Dolphin

POWAY, Calif. - Promicro Systems announced it has entered into a two-year contract with a Fortune 100 company and leading provider of computer and networking equipment. Pursuant to the agreement, Promicro has deployed one of the first computing clusters ever to integrate Intel® Corp’s E7500 chipset with the high-speed Wulfkit interconnect from Dolphin Interconnect. Comprised of 20 dual-processor 1U Linux servers, the cluster solution represents a significant achievement in performance, reliability and cost for parallel processing applications. Over the next few years, Promicro will continue to build and deploy high performance computing systems for the Fortune 100 company’s research and development activities. Dolphin’s technology is already utilized in three of the world’s fastest supercomputers. The WulfKit interconnect is a combination of Dolphin’s PCI SCI Adapter Card and a powerful message passing interface (MPI) developed by Norway-based Scali. Promicro leveraged Wulfkit to build a high-speed, low latency cluster solution that provides performance levels comparable to that of mainframe supercomputers. Wulfkit also eliminates the need for expensive centralized switches, providing improved reliability and operations at a significantly lower cost. Promicro paired the interconnect with Intel’s E7500 chipset to achieve optimal system bus, memory and I/O bandwidth for performance and productivity. The chipset’s modular design is optimized to support dual processor server platforms, providing cost-effective scalability. “This contract is a significant win for our company and opens the door for further computing innovation,” said Joseph Keith, director of business development, Promicro Systems. “Our cluster deployment is unique in its integration of Intel’s powerful E7500 chipset and Dolphin’s high-speed interconnect: two ideally suited technologies that are finally coming together for the first time. We’re pleased that an industry leader has engaged Promicro’s clustering expertise to help bring powerful new products to market.” Keith Murphy, vice president of sales and marketing at Dolphin Interconnect, added, "Dolphin is proud to be a part of Promicro's supercluster computer solution and will continue to develop high quality products that provide high performance and flexibility to our users."