Sun Microsystems Promotes Interoperability of Open Java Standards for ISPs

ATLANTA, GA -- Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW) today announced the first certification under a new third-party Auditing and Certification Program supporting the community-driven Java(TM) Technology for Service Providers (JTSP(TM)) initiative. This program helps to accelerate the adoption of the JAIN(TM) and OSS through Java(TM) APIs, and encourage customer uptake of Java technologies among service providers and telecommunications companies. The compatibility testing program helps ensure that vendors' solutions conform to API specifications, thus enabling cross-vendor compatibility. The first product to achieve certification is dynamicsoft's SIP User Agent-Java. The JAIN Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), API, JAIN Call Control (JCC) and the JAIN API for the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) recently achieved final release under the Java Community Process(SM) (JCP) program, the community-based process for evolving Java technology specifications, in cooperation with the international Java developer community. Additionally, the JAIN Community membership is gaining critical support and now includes more than 80 leading member companies, from hardware, software and network equipment providers to protocol providers and service providers. The JAIN Community membership consists of such industry leaders as Telcordia Technologies, Qwest Communications, Ulticom, BT, Ericsson, Siemens, dynamicsoft and Nortel Networks. "Sun's goal for the JTSP auditing and certification program is to increase customer confidence in JTSP solutions, shorten time-to-market through interoperable solutions and reduce the technology risk from non-interoperable solutions," said Ann Wettersten, vice president, Wireless and Content Delivery Networks group at Sun Microsystems, Inc. "We're committed to encouraging further developer adoption of open, standard Java APIs for telecom networks and increasing telecom customer uptake of technologies and solutions that enable exciting, enhanced, revenue-generating services." New 3rd Party JTSP Auditing and Certification Program The new JTSP Auditing and Certification program will be run by Applied Testing and Technology (ApTest) of Los Gatos, Calif. Andrew Silverman, ApTest CEO, said, "A consistent third party review of conformance testing will offer additional assurance of interoperability among implementers and complement the strong testing component already built into the Java Community Process. ApTest is very enthused about this program and looks forward to working with the Sun and the JTSP Community." The JTSP Auditing and Certification program will initially support three JAIN APIs: JAIN SIP, JAIN Transaction Capability Application Part (TCAP) and JAIN Operations Administration and Management (OAM). With this growing base of standardized and certified Java APIs, and more on the way, service providers are quickly gaining confidence, even mandating JAIN API compliance from vendors. Specifications Achieve Final Release, First Certification The JAIN Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 1.0 specification, led by dynamicsoft Inc., recently completed Final Release under the Java Community Process(SM) program. SIP is an IETF standard protocol for IP-communications, enabling IP-Telephony gateways, client endpoints, PBXs and other communication systems or devices to communicate with each other. The JAIN SIP API specification provides a standard open Java interface for sharing information between SIP clients and SIP servers, providing call control elements and enabling converged-network applications. The dynamicsoft SIP User Agent -Java Technology is the first product certified under the new JTSP auditing and certification program. "With this final release of the JAIN SIP specification, developers can now create a broad spectrum of telecom applications that bring Java technology's service portability and secure network access to the rapidly expanding universe of SIP-based converged services," said Eric Sumner, chief executive officer of dynamicsoft Inc. "As specification lead for the JAIN SIP API, it's only fitting that dynamicsoft become the first company to receive JTSP certification of a JAIN SIP implementation with our dynamicsoft SIP User Agent-Java." The JAIN Call Control (JCC) 1.0 specification has also achieved final release and will soon be ready for inclusion in the JTSP Auditing and Certification Program. Telcordia Technologies, Inc. is the Specification Lead company. The JAIN JCC API provides a unified call-processing interface to enable Java technology developers to write a single service application using call control across heterogeneous networks. Also led by Telcordia, the JAIN API for the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) 1.0 has reached final release and will soon be ready for inclusion in the JTSP Auditing and Certification Program. The JAIN MGCP API provides the industry standard Java specification for the IETF Media Gateway Control Protocol. MGCP is used for controlling trunking gateways that interconnect the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) with packet networks and for controlling residential gateways that function as network interfaces for customer premise located equipment. For more information visit