Fujitsu Technology Solutions PRIMEPOWER Shatters TPC-C Benchmark

SUNNYVALE, CA -- Fujitsu Technology Solutions, a member of the worldwide group of Fujitsu(R) companies, today announced record results in the industry-leading TPC-C benchmark for its PRIMEPOWER(TM) 2000 SPARC(R) compliant, Solaris(R) compatible server. PRIMEPOWER 2000, scalable to 128 processors, reportedly holds the distinction of being the most powerful UNIX(R) transaction processing system in the commercial marketplace. The PRIMEPOWER benchmark win is evidence that large enterprise computing can be accomplished more effectively and efficiently than ever before. PRIMEPOWER 2000 took first place in the TPC-C benchmark, performing 455,818.20 tpmC (transactions per minute). The results of the Transaction Processing Performance Council benchmark demonstrate that a single, non-clustered PRIMEPOWER 2000, with 128 SPARC64-GP(TM) processors, delivered twice the performance of the nearest competitor. The combination of SPARC and Solaris, the marketplace's choice of excellence, proves its value as a great operating environment in which the PRIMEPOWER 2000 achieved a significant leap over all other benchmark entries. PRIMEPOWER 2000 also gained top place as the best value among large enterprise servers, with the lowest overall cost per transaction at $28.58 per transaction significantly contributing to customers' reduced total cost of ownership. The closest competing server registered a cost per transaction 20 percent higher than PRIMEPOWER. The National Institute of Genetics (NIG) in Japan, recognizes the outstanding performance and scalability of Fujitsu's PRIMEPOWER 2000. NIG currently uses two PRIMEPOWER 2000 with 128 processors to analyze and process large volumes of genome information and also simulate the evolution of genes. PRIMEPOWER has the power and headroom to fulfill long-term customer requirements. With the crown for single-image processing, PRIMEPOWER can handle enormous amounts of data, support complex processing instructions, and adjust to change with the ease that PRIMEPOWER has now shown at many levels. It has achieved top spot in several worldwide benchmarks and now with the largest commercially available single-image system for the Solaris environment. More information can be obtained at "PRIMEPOWER is designed to handle the most demanding processing environments, from company workflow management to database applications," said Richard McCormack, vice president of marketing at Fujitsu Technology Solutions. "The new benchmark is the ultimate validation of PRIMEPOWER power and scalability." Fujitsu Technology Solutions offers PRIMEPOWER servers across the entire spectrum of data center requirements and are the highest-capacity commercial UNIX servers in the marketplace. PRIMEPOWER servers feature a system bus withcrossbar technology, advanced error correction, unique cache design, and more. For more information visit or