Galicia's finest writer closes the school year in the cloud

• The author of 'Memorias dun Neno Labrego' (Memories of a Young Peasant) will tell about his childhood to rural school children participating in this innovative, educational project

• The RAG school will be held in San Fins de Sales in Vedra and he will talk with students in Ribadavia, Ponteceso and Vilaboa

• Technological solution that enables the conference was developed by CESGA, Balidea and la Xunta de Galicia

Tomorrow at 10:30, a conference will be held between various rural areas participating in the Rede de Escolas na Nube (Network of Schools in the Cloud). Xosé Neira Vilas will attend as a guest to give the finishing touch to the school year using a pioneering cloud computing project coordinated by the Supercomputing Center of Galicia (CESGA).

The writer and member of the Real Academia Galega (RAG) will participate from the virtual school unit of San Fins de Sales (Vedra, A Coruña), belonging to the Colexio Rural Agrupado (CRA) of Boqueixón-Vedra.

The other schools jointly participating via video-conference are CRA Amencer, of Ribadavia (Ourense), the CRA Nosa Senhora do Faro, of Ponteceso (A Coruña) and the CRA of Vilaboa (Pontevedra).

On May 23, the twenty-three rural schools in the project, which children between 3 and 7 years, participated in a joint conference to celebrate the Galician Literature Day, which upheld the viability of the infrastructure and the software conformed to the limited Internet connection in rural schools as well as simplicity. It was easily used by teachers in the participating areas.

The Network of schools in the Cloud is a model of infrastructure, services and collaborative approach based on cloud computing for the service of education and collaboration between schools, creating a network where educational experiences and learning materials can be shared.

This innovative educational project is a joint initiative between CESGA and Balidea Consulting & Programming, in collaboration with the Galician regional government (Ministry of Education, Culture and University Planning and the Axencia for technological modernization of Galicia, AMTEGA).

The initiative has received many awards, including the international prize Iberoamericano from CIO and Computerworld last April. Its main objective is the development and validation of a high quality and low cost technological solution that allows the use of ICT effectively to the advancement of learning and collaboration in small rural schools in Galicia, based on cloud computing, virtualization and open source software.

For more information on the project:

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