What makes computerized systems smart and to perform like or even better than Humans?
We are witnessing an increased interest in intelligent systems; the quest for making machines to help, replace and act as humans has been for some time around.
However, only now the state of development of the technology made it possible to be approached so close that we are already surrounded by some products and will be further more in the near future which really have elements of "intelligence"; how to do this, what we can achieve and where the next steps will be? The answers to these questions one can find in this unique set of two volumes, 5 parts and 25+ chapters blended into a single Handbook -- something any student, graduate, researcher and expert must have.
Computational Intelligence is a set of computational techniques, methodologies, algorithms, systems that borrow from nature (human brain, individual self-development and evolution, populational evolution, reasoning by humans, etc.) and solve complex problems that are other wise not completely or fully addressed by the traditional first principles type of approaches, statistics, etc. The main branches of it include fuzzy sets and systems, artificial neural networks and evolutionary computation.
"This is a one stop shop written by experts in a very accessible way yet presenting the latest cutting edge results," said Professor Plamen Angelov, who is the editor of the Handbook.