Submissions sought for 2008 Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute

The fourth annual Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute (RSSI'08) will be held July 7-10, 2008, at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA / at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. RSSI'08 -- co-organized by NCSA, OpenFPGA, the NSF Center for High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC), and the University of Manchester ­- will bring together domain scientists and technology developers from industry and academia to discuss new developments on the use of field-programmable gate array technologies for high-performance reconfigurable computing (HPRC). Submissions are solicited on a wide variety of topics related to HPRC, including, but not limited to: 1. Architecture of HPRC devices and systems. 2. Languages, compilation techniques, and tools for HPRC. 3. Libraries and run-time environments for HPRC. 4. Performance modeling/prediction and benchmarks for HPRC. 5. Algorithms, methodology, and formal methods in application development for HPRC. 6. Applications of HPRC in science and engineering. 7. Trends and the latest developments in the field of HPRC. 8. Multi-platform application development for HPRC and other accelerator technologies. Authors are invited to submit original contributions electronically, in PDF format, to Two types of submissions are solicited: full-length papers, up 12 pages, and short poster papers, up to four pages. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Authors of accepted full-length papers will be scheduled to present their work in one of the technical sessions; authors of accepted short papers will be able to present their work during the poster session. The presentations/posters and papers will be made available on the conference's website ( after the event as well as on a proceedings CD available to the event participants. The best papers presented at RSSI'08 will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) journal. Detailed paper formatting instructions for the CD proceedings and TRETS submissions will soon be available at the conference's website ( Questions? Contact Important dates Papers due: April 1, 2008 Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2008 Final camera-ready manuscripts due: June 9, 2008 Online registration deadline: June 16, 2008 TRETS submissions due to September 1, 2008 Technical Program Committee Program Chair: Volodymyr Kindratenko (NCSA) Robert J. Brunner (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Duncan Buell (University of South Carolina) Alan D. George (CHREC) Martin Herbordt (Boston University) Gregory D. Peterson (University of Tennessee) David Raila (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Eric Stahlberg (OpenFPGA) Craig Steffen (NCSA) Olaf O. Storaasli (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)