NCSA Workshop to Help Users Get the Most from Multicore Systems

Multicore processors hold the promise of enhanced performance and more efficient parallel processing and are a key stepping stone on the pathway to petascale computation. "Effective Use of Multi-core Technology: Toward Petascale Applications Using Abe" will help current and prospective users of multicore systems--particularly NCSA's new 88 teraflop cluster, nicknamed Abe--understand the technology and how to leverage it to accelerate their science and engineering research. The workshop will provide an overview of Abe's hardware and software environment and the tools and programming models available to use the system effectively. Several early users of Abe will give presentations on their experiences porting their applications and participants will be given hands-on time to work with NCSA staff to port their own code to Abe. The workshop will be July 24-26 at NCSA in Urbana, Illinois. For details and to register, go to