Call For Papers HiCOMB 2006

April 25, 2006 Rhodes Island, Greece 5th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology held in conjunction with the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Computational Biology is fast emerging as an important discipline for academic research and industrial application. The large size of biological data sets, inherent complexity of biological problems and the ability to deal with error-prone data all result in large run-time and memory requirements. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of latest research in developing high-performance computing solutions to problems arising from molecular biology. We are especially interested in parallel algorithms, memory-efficient algorithms, large scale data mining techniques, and design of high-performance software. The workshop will feature contributed papers as well as invited talks from reputed researchers in the field. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: * Bioinformatic databases * Computational genomics * Computational proteomics * DNA assembly, clustering and mapping * Gene expression and microarrays * Gene identification and annotation * Parallel algorithms for biological analysis * Parallel architectures for biological applications * Molecular evolution * Molecular sequence analysis * Phylogeny reconstruction algorithms * Protein structure prediction and modeling * String data structures and algorithms Submission Guidelines: ---------------------- Papers reporting original research (both theoretical and experimental) in all areas of bioinformatics and computational biology are sought. Surveys of important recent results and directions are also welcome. To submit a paper, upload a postscript or PDF copy of the paper from the workshop web page ( The paper should not exceed 12 single-spaced pages (US Letter or A4 size) in 11pt font or larger. All papers will be reviewed. IEEE CS Press will publish the IPDPS symposium and workshop abstracts as a printed volume. The complete symposium and workshop proceedings will also be published by IEEE CS Press on CD-ROM and will also be available in the IEEE Digital Library. Important Dates: ---------------- November 15, 2005 Workshop Submissions Due December 19, 2005 Author Notification January 21, 2006 Camera-ready Paper Due Workshop Co-Chairs: ------------------- David A. Bader College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332 USA Phone: +1.404.894.3152 Email: Srinivas Aluru Dept. of Electrical & Computer Eng. and Lawrence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics & Biological Statistics Iowa State University 3218 Coover Hall Ames, IA 50011, USA Phone: +1.515.294.3539 Fax: +1.515.294.8432 Email: Program Chair: -------------- Chau-Wen Tseng Dept. of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 Phone: +1 (301) 405-8010 Fax: +1 (301) 405-6707 Email: Program Committee: ------------------ Michael Cummings (University of Maryland) Arthur Delcher (University of Maryland) Nathan Edwards (University of Maryland) Wu-Chun Feng (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Guang Gao (University of Delaware) Attila Gursoy (Koc University) Sorin Istrail (Brown University) Luay Nakhleh (Rice University) Jan Prins (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Joel Saltz (Ohio State University) Alejandro A. Schaeffer (National Institutes of Health) Alexandros Stamatakis (Institute of Computer Science, FORTH) Michela Taufer (University of Texas at El Paso) Thomas Wu (Genentech) Albert Y. Zomaya (University of Western Australia)