CALL FOR PAPERS -- SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 1, 2006 SECOND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on OpenMP IWOMP 2006 Reims, France 12-15 June 2006 MISSION STATEMENT - IWOMP IWOMP is the consolidation of three OpenMP workshops: the European Workshop on OpenMP (EWOMP), the Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools (WOMPAT), and the Workshop on OpenMP Experiences and Implementation (WOMPEI). IWOMP 2005, which was the first meeting of the combined workshops, took place in Eugene, Oregon, USA. IWOMP 2006 will continue this series in Reims, FRANCE. The workshop will be a great opportunity for learning more about OpenMP, for practical experience and interaction between OpenMP users and developers. In keeping with the objectives and format of the previous workshops, IWOMP 2006 will feature two distinct parts. The first part, which will take place in the Pommery Castle, will consist of presentations of technical papers and panels. The second part, which will take place at Reims University, will provide attendees the opportunity to learn OpenMP through a tutorial that will include several real-life case studies or to improve the performance of their applications through a hands-on laboratory experience. Call for Technical Papers: Authors are invited to submit technical papers detailing innovative, original research and development related to OpenMP. All topics related to OpenMP are of interest, including OpenMP applications in scientific or other domains, OpenMP performance analysis and modelling, OpenMP performance and correctness tools and proposed OpenMP extensions. IWOMP 2006 will publish formal proceedings of the accepted papers in LNCS. Submitted papers for review should be limited to 10 pages. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare final paper up to 12 pages. Call for OpenMP Laboratory Proposals: Application programmers are encouraged to provide a short description of the program, especially the type of problem it solves, the method(s) used, its development status, external software requirements (e.g. libraries), programming language, current platform(s), plus an indication what OpenMP aspects should be addressed in the laboratory (e.g. performance, functionality, or porting) These application descriptions will be distributed to tool presenters prior to the laboratory in order to help them address these specific concerns. OpenMP compiler and tool implementers are invited to submit a two-page participation proposal giving a brief summary of the key functionalities of their tool(s) and describing how they can assist in the development, porting, and/or tuning process. In addition, these proposals should discuss expected hardware/software support and any additional requirements. For the OMPlab instructions in the use of their tools (e.g. quick reference guide, user manual) are required in order to ensure a high-quality hands-on laboratory experience. To guide application participants' expectations, two-page proposals for tools accepted for presentation will be posted on the IWOMP web site. Important Dates: March 1 IWOMP full paper submission April 11 Notification of IWOMP paper acceptance April 1 Registration opens April 24 OMPlab projects and tools proposals (~2 pages) May 1 Final IWOMP papers due May 8 Notification of OMPlab project acceptance May 15 Access to Lab machines for porting applications and tools June 1-2 IWOMP technical program June 3-4 OMPlab OpenMP is an Application Programming Interface (API) widely accepted as a standard for high-level shared-memory parallel programming. OpenMP is a portable, scalable programming model that provides a simple and flexible interface for developing shared- memory parallel applications in Fortran, C, and C++. Since its introduction in 1997, OpenMP has gained support from the majority of high-performance compiler and hardware vendors. There is also active research in OpenMP compilers, runtime systems, tools, and environments. Under the direction of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB), the OpenMP standard continues to evolve. The community of OpenMP researchers and developers in academia and industry is organized under cOMPunity, a forum for the dissemination and exchange of information about and experiences with OpenMP.