EUChinaGRID first Workshop

The first EUChinaGRID Project Workshop has just begun. Networking and Grid experts from Europe and China, as well as advanced users working with very demanding applications in eScience (i.e., Physics, Medicine, Biology and other sciences building upon the network and computational infrastructures) have just met to pin down the current situation of the Euro-Chinese collaboration in Grid Technology, which took off only a few months ago. During the three-days long meeting, high-level speakers will present the current status of Grid infrastructures and applications in Europe and China with a special stress on the e- Science applications in advanced fields such as High Energy Physics, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Healthcare. Key issues for the success of the project and, more generally, for a transparent and effective communication among the Chinese and European Grid facilities, as the different middleware solutions developed in the framework of both experiences and the interoperability with the IPv6 protocol will be thoroughly discussed and results of the first studies in this challenging field will be presented. Funded by European Union, EUChinaGRID Project officially started on last 1st January with the aim to interconnect the existing European and Chinese Grid Infrastructures and enable their interoperability, thus creating a network of collaboration between Europe and China around this emerging technology. The EUChinaGRID Project is coordinated by INFN and involves several partners from China (Beijing University, CNIC, IHEP, and Peking University), Greece (GRnet), Italy (Consortium GARR, Department of Biology - Università di Roma Tre), Poland (Jagiellonian University) and international organization (CERN). 1. For further information about the EUChinaGRID project please visit: its Web site or contact the Project Office ( or Giada Di Giammarco (+39.06.43361449).