CALL FOR PAPERS: High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing (HP-PAC)

On April 24, 2006, HP-PAC will be held in conjunction with IPDPS April 25-9, 2006 Rhodes Island, Greece -- High-performance computing is and has always been performance oriented. However, a consequence of the push towards maximum performance is increased energy consumption, especially at supercomputing centers. Moreover, as peak performance is rarely attained, some of this energy consumption results in little or no performance gain. In addition, large energy consumption costs supercomputing centers a significant amount of money and wastes natural resources. The main goal of this workshop is to provide a timely forum for the exchange and dissemination of new ideas, techniques, and research in power-aware, high-performance computing. HP-PAC will present research that reduces (1) power, (2) energy consumption, or (3) heat generation, with little or no performance penalty. This workshop differs from other power-aware workshops in that it is specifically interested in saving energy in large scale, scientific applications, rather than in small mobile devices. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following. . Novel power-aware architectures for HPC . Power-aware middleware for HPC . Power-aware runtime systems for HPC . Reduced power/energy/heat algorithms & applications . Surveys or studies of power/energy/heat usage of HPC applications PROCEEDINGS: ----------- The proceedings of this workshop will be published together with the proceedings of other IPDPS '06 workshops by the IEEE Computer Society Press. The best four papers will be published as a special issue of the Journal of Supercomputing: PAPER SUBMISSIONS: ----------------- We are planning a purely web submission and review process. Authors are requested to submit papers (in PDF format) not exceeding 8 single-spaced pages, including abstract, contact address, figures, and references. Detailed instructions on web submissions will be available soon. Note: the PDF file must be viewable using ``acroread'' or similar common utility. Also, your paper should use a page size of 8.5x11 inches (LETTER sized output not A4). IMPORTANT DATES: --------------- Paper submission: 19 December 2005 Author notification: 13 January 2006 Camera-ready due: 21 January 2006 WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS: ------------------ Vincent W. Freeh, North Carolina State University, USA David K. Lowenthal, University of Georgia, USA PROGRAM COMMITTEE: ----------------- Frank Bellosa, University of Karlsruhe, Germany Kirk Cameron, Virginia Tech, USA Bronis de Supinski, Lawenrce Livermore National Laboratory, USA Wu-chun Feng, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Vincent W. Freeh, North Carolina State University, USA Soraya Ghiasi, IBM Austin Research Laboratory, USA Dirk Grunwald, University of Colorado, USA Chung-hsing Hsu, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Jesus Labarta, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain David K. Lowenthal, University of Georgia, USA Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute, Japan Padma Raghavan, Pennsylvania State University, USA Fred Weber, AMD Corporation, USA CONTACT INFO: ------------ web: