EMC Advances Information Lifecycle Management Capabilities

EMC Corporation, the world leader in information storage and management, today announced a series of innovative new products and made significant enhancements to its information management software to help customers plan, build and implement an information lifecycle management (ILM) strategy. Today's announcements showcase EMC's extended lead in helping customers align their IT infrastructures with the changing value of their information over time ultimately resulting in the ability to extract the most value from their information at the lowest cost. With today's announcements, EMC has now made nearly 30 product, solution or service announcements in 2004 to help advance the deploymentILM. "ILM is not a vision; it is a reality," said Dr. John Halamka, Chief Information Officer at CareGroup, a system of world-renowned academic medical centers and outstanding community hospitals dedicated to providing the best quality care and services to patients. "EMC provided the hardware, software and professional services to deploy and support our ILM strategy, which manages the deluge of information based on its changing value. Consequently, today, our doctors can rapidly access 30 years of patient records; our scientists can access exploding volumes of information for clinical activities and our patients can securely access their complete medical records." Today's announcements include: New, innovative high-end replication and data mobility software that allows customers to better protect and migrate their most important information; New application-aware software capabilities and solutions that strengthen the management of application data throughout its lifecycle. The capabilities enable policy-based movement of structured or unstructured data to various storage tiers as its value and service level requirements change; and New application-independent file movement for tiered storage infrastructures enabling the automated movement of file-based data from primary storage to lower-cost secondary storage according to user-defined policies. The State of Michigan, the nation's eighth-largest state and the provider of government services to more than 10 million residents, has implemented an information lifecycle management strategy across its 200-terabyte EMC tiered storage infrastructure using EMC software and services. "ILM is a sound strategy that has allowed us to deliver tiered protection," said Carole Steele Sherman, Director of Data Center Operations. "By matching the criticality of our large and diverse IT infrastructure with appropriate levels of tiered storage and business continuity software, we have increased data availability across multiple tiers of applications. For example, we've reduced recovery times from weeks to days for our mission-critical applications with long-distance replication, and we've implemented backup-to-disk to restore data 15 times faster for our mid-tier applications. Because our ILM strategy recognizes that different applications have different retention requirements, we've been able to gain more value from our storage purchases while lowering our investment costs." Additionally, in January 2004, EMC introduced a portfolio of ILM Acceleration services, delivered by the EMC Information Solutions Consulting ( ISC) group to help customers design and deploy a reliable, long-term ILM strategy. To date, more than 40 companies have benefited from these end-to-end storage and information management services. With more than 350 storage experts worldwide, E MC ISC assesses a customer's application environment, recoverability strategy, operations and infrastructure, as well as the people, processes and policies that manage it. "In the near future, ILM will be a core competency in all of our business planning because of the tremendous cost savings, improved service levels, and automation it provides," said Robert Terdeman, Vice President and Chief Information Architect of Rogers Communications, a diversified communications and media company. "With the ILM expertise of EMC services, we are architecting an infrastructure of several tiers including EMC storage and software to build a single information repository that serves multiple users, functions, and customer touch-points simultaneously. As a result, we can seamlessly match information to the most appropriate storage resources on the basis of its value to the business." Howard Elias, EMC's Executive Vice President of Corporate Marketing and Office of Technology, said, "To be successful, an ILM strategy must be business-centric, tying closely to key business processes, applications and initiatives. At the same time, it must provide an integrated view into all information assets, both structured and unstructured. As our current offerings and today's announcements demonstrate, EMC is committed to delivering measurable business value and we are on an accelerated delivery path for all of the components a customer needs to optimally manage information throughout its life, from creation and use to archiving and disposal." EMC Corporation (NYSE: EMC) is the world leader in products, services and solutions for information storage and management that help organizations extract the maximum value from their information, at the lowest total cost, across every point in the information lifecycle. Information about EMC's products and services can be found at www.EMC.com