Benchmark Proves BEA Provides 69% Cost Advantage Over WebSphere

HONG KONG -- BEA Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:BEAS) , the world's leading application infrastructure software company, today announced that BEA WebLogic Server(TM), the leading enterprise application server, has set record-breaking price/ performance results that prove that BEA can provide a 69 percent cost advantage over IBM. Benchmark testing was conducted using technology that is generally available to all enterprise customers today. According to a recent SPECjAppServer2002 benchmark, an independently designed and validated industry-standard benchmark that measures the performance of application servers running typical Java business applications, BEA WebLogic Server achieved higher performance results with 131 percent more throughput and 69 percent less lower cost per transaction than IBM WebSphere. The benchmark configuration was conducted on generally available hardware and software including BEA WebLogic Server and BEA WebLogic JRockit(TM) running on HP ProLiant servers running 32-bit Intel Xeon processors. The price/ performance metric takes into account the total cost of all hardware, software and three years of support. These results are powerful evidence of BEA's commitment to proving high-performance, vendor-neutral, and total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) advantages over the competition. In fact, BEA WebLogic Server has achieved world-record benchmarks on the widest variety of hardware, operating systems and databases, including: server hardware from Dell, HP, and Sun on processors ranging from PA-RISC to SPARC to Intel-based 32-bit and 64; all leading operating systems including HP-UX, Solaris, Linux and Windows; and a range of databases from Oracle to Microsoft SQLServer. ''These benchmarks show BEA WebLogic Server to be the industry's fastest and most cost effective application infrastructure platform,'' said Eric Stahl, director of product marketing at BEA Systems. ''Through increased performance, customers need to buy less hardware, software licenses and support to process the same number of users and transactions. Customers lured to free or low cost alternatives actually increase their TCO when the application is put into production.'' For complete details on benchmark results, please see the SPEC (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation) Web site at /.