EI Releases Framework For Parallelizing Existing Science Applications

FORT COLLINS, Colorado-- Engineered Intelligence Corporation (EI) today released CxC2, a parallelization framework for transforming scientific and engineering applications written in FORTRAN, C or C++ into parallelized versions that run effectively on high-performance supercomputers and clusters. In addition, CxC2 introduces the ability to integrate existing C, C++ and FORTRAN libraries into CxC2 programs. The CxC2 solution removes computational platform barriers, significantly lowers overall time and costs of development; and enables a parallel computing paradigm scalable to millions of processors to provide the best platform for highly parallel applications. “CxC2 accelerates research by turning current computing assets – hardware and software - into a high-performance grid. It works as an intermediary ‘glue’ for FORTRAN, C and C++ functions. As CxC now allows you to call any existing C, C++ or FORTRAN function, it also maintains the original performance that was achieved in these libraries,” EI’s CEO, Matt Oberdorfer, reports. “Now with these solutions, companies can move from serial to parallel computing and keep their investment in current codes – but make their algorithms more effective and gain processing and computation capability with low-cost, high-performance hardware platforms. EI brings the parallel power of supercomputers to the desktop of every engineer and provides a standard for parallel computing in heterogeneous environments.” CxC2 has been used to parallelize equation solvers used in the oil and gas industries, molecule simulations for biochemistry, and image-processing algorithms. An example of CxC2’s potential is shown by the parallelization of the original LINPACK Benchmark1. With less than two days of effort, LINPACK ran in parallel using CxC as a framework, reusing 80% of the original code and delivering 258% performance increase. CxC2 provides a competitive advantage by enabling researchers to solve problems with the help of supercomputers or clusters, without needing to be computer scientists. U.S Pricing and Availability CxC2 is currently available from EI and through selected resellers with prices starting at $950. Supported platforms are Linux 32-bit, 64-bit, Windows, HP-UX, SGI IRIX and other selected platforms.