ModViz Makes Real-Time Visualization an Affordable Reality

SAN MATEO, Calif. -- Affordable, high-quality, computer-based 3-D visualization of complex models and processes in real-time -- a technological "Holy Grail" for industries of every type -- is being made possible by ModViz, Inc., a new Silicon Valley startup whose software turns clusters of ordinary personal computers into super graphics engines. ModViz's first product, Renderizer(TM) Visualization Cluster Management Software, enables off-the-shelf PCs arrayed in clusters to produce exceptional high-end, real-time, interactive graphics that rival the output from much more expensive proprietary solutions. "Viz clusters" managed by Renderizer software are robust, reliable, and highly scalable to meet every visualization need. They can drive high-resolution displays, dramatic powerwalls, and emotion-stirring virtual-reality environments. Renderizer software is already being used as a central component of prototypical, next-generation combat situation trainers. Early next year, ModViz's corporate customers in North America and Europe will be using Renderizer software to run demanding manufacturing and oil-industry visual applications on PC clusters. Renderizer-managed viz clusters will also be used with applications in the life sciences, architecture and construction, and for entertainment production. Renderizer software was demonstrated earlier this month at the Society for Exploratory Geophysicists' annual conference in Salt Lake City, where it was positively received by attendees. The oil industry already makes heavy use of 3-D visualization and is rapidly moving to PC-based visualization. An earlier exhibition in Detroit, for the auto manufacturing industry, garnered similar praise. ModViz is now investigating solutions for the coming "grid computing" environment -- so-called "grid viz" -- and for next-generation, interactive holographic environments. "The future of computing is visual," said ModViz CEO Bob Jacobson. "Our mission is to make top-flight visualization of complex digital models accessible throughout the corporation and its entire value chain. ModViz intends to be a central player in the rapidly growing visual-computing industry." The ModViz core management team brings decades of experience in visual computing and gives the company a formidable competitive edge. The team includes CEO Jacobson, a virtual reality and visualization pioneer; CTO and Renderizer software co-inventor Thomas Ruge, a quantum physicist and highly regarded visual-computing technologist; and Vice President for Marketing and Business Development Shing Pan, a performance-computing marketing expert with experience in high-end visualization and analytical systems. The ModViz Board of Directors comprises Chairman Joseph Becker, Silicon Valley startup expert; Siemens Corporate Research CFO Silvano Dall'Asta; and CEO Jacobson. A distinguished Board of Advisors consults to the management team. ModViz's strategic business partners include leading personal computer manufacturers, software vendors, and system integrators. (References available on request.) ModViz, Inc., spun out of Siemens AG, was launched last month with support from Siemens Technology-To-Business Center LLC, the Berkeley, California, subsidiary of Siemens Corporate Research. Dr. Bernhard Nottbeck, Vice President of Siemens AG's Corporate Technology (CT) organization, provided the initial resources to realize Ruge's vision for Renderizer software. According to Nottbeck, "Siemens has transferred this technology to ModViz so that it can be developed further and reach an even larger industrial audience. As a ModViz shareholder, we'll profit from this development -- but so will the rest of industry, everywhere." Nottbeck sits on the ModViz Board of Advisors. Dr. Claus Weyrich, Head of CT and a member of Siemens' Managing Board, added: "I'm pleased that this new company had its beginning at Siemens. It's a good example of our 'Global network of innovation,' since the work was started in Germany then developed into a product in the U.S." "Our pedigree is a proud one," said ModViz's Jacobson. "We're ready to build on what's been accomplished so far to provide industry today, and consumers tomorrow, with incredible visual capabilities at a price everyone can afford. A global sea change in computing is happening. ModViz is on the crest of a visual computing tidal wave."