CALL FOR PAPERS International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium

International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium * IPDPS 2003 * CALL FOR PAPERS Submission Deadline: October 4, 2002 For more information e-mail: 17th Annual International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS 2003 Tuesday, 22 April -- Saturday, 26 April, 2003 Nice Acropolis Convention Center, Nice, France, Sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing. In cooperation with: ACM SIGARCH, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA), IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP) Hosted by INRIA Sophia Antipolis, CNRS & University of Nice ================================= IPDPS 2003 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ================================= In 2003, IPDPS will follow its accustomed format, providing a forum for engineers and scientists from around the world to present their latest research findings in the fields of parallel processing and distributed computing. Workshops and tutorials serve as the "book-end" events on the first and last days. Note that in Nice the beginning day will be Tuesday the 22nd and the final day of IPDPS will be Saturday the 26th. The three intervening days open with addresses by invited speakers and focus on the presentation of contributed papers in technical sessions organized around symposium topics of interest. Particularly hot topics are further explored via panel discussions, as well as other ad hoc meetings and discussions throughout the week. Details on local accommodations as well as travel tips will be posted on the Web before the end of the year, so you are encouraged to regularly check the IPDPS Web site at for updates. General email inquiries should be addressed to GENERAL CO-CHAIRS * Michel Cosnard, Universite' de Nice & INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France * Allan Gottlieb, New York University & NEC Research Institute, GENERAL VICE CO-CHAIRS * Luc Bouge', ENS Cachan & IRISA, Rennes, France * Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, WORKSHOPS Workshops are an opportunity to explore special topics, and running a workshop in association with IPDPS offers many advantages. The 18 workshops held at IPDPS 2002 are already planning for continuation in 2003 and several more have been proposed. Contact General Vice Co-Chair Charles Weems for details on workshop proposals. To obtain more information on an individual IPDPS workshop, go to the IPDPS Web site at Each workshop has its own requirements and schedule for submissions and all are linked from the IPDPS Web site. WORKSHOPS AT IPDPS 2003 * Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW) * Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS) * Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models & Supportive Environments (HIPS) * Workshop on Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing (JAVAPDC) * Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Image Processing, Video Processing, and Multimedia (PDIVM) * Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (APDCM) * Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW) * Workshop on Communication Architecture for Clusters (CAC) * NSF Next Generation Systems Program Workshop (NSFNGS) * International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology (HiCOMB) * International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile, and Ad Hoc Networks (WMAHN) * Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems (FTPDS) * Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC) * Workshop on Formal Methods for Parallel Programming (FMPP) * Workshop on Internet Computing and E-commerce (ICEC) * Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing with Applications (PDSECA) * Workshop on Massively Parallel Processing (WMPP) * Workshop on Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems (PMEO) * Workshop on Massively Parallel Computer Aided Surgery (MPCAS) INDUSTRIAL-TRACK/COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS Industrial track presentations are an excellent opportunity for companies to showcase new technologies and to enter into the lively discussions encouraged at IPDPS. Paired with three days of "walk-up-and-talk" exhibits, industrial researchers can promote awareness about their recent technological advances and obtain feedback from a diverse audience. Industrial sponsors are linked from the IPDPS home page, giving them several months of visibility, and papers presented become part of the IPDPS proceedings. Proposals for innovative ways to showcase vendor products or to provide sponsor benefits in lieu of exhibiting are also encouraged. Companies interested in participating should contact one of the Industrial Track Co-Chairs by October 20, 2002: Isabelle Attali or Kiran Bondalapati TUTORIALS Proposals are solicited for organizing full or half-day tutorials. Interested individuals should submit a proposal by October 20, 2002 to the Tutorials Chair Patricia Teller Contact her for details prior to submitting your proposal. ============================ IPDPS 2003 - IMPORTANT DATES ============================ 15 June 2002 Workshop Proposals Due 4 October 2002 Manuscripts Due 20 October 2002 Tutorial Proposals Due 20 October 2002 Industrial Track Submissions Due 20 December 2002 Review Decisions Mailed 24 January 2003 Print Ready Paper Due =============== CALL FOR PAPERS =============== Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that demonstrate original unpublished research in all areas of parallel and distributed processing including development of experimental or commercial systems. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: 1. Parallel and distributed algorithms, including communication and synchronization protocols. 2. Applications of parallel and distributed computing, including web applications, peer-to-peer computing, grid computing and scientific applications. 3. Parallel and distributed architectures, including signal and image processors, network processors, other special purpose processors, nontraditional processor technologies, network and interconnect architecture, and performance modeling and evaluation. 4. Parallel and distributed software, including parallel programming languages and compilers, operating systems, runtime, middleware, libraries, programming environments and tools for parallel and distributed computing. BEST PAPER AWARDS Awards will be given for the best paper in each of the four conference topics. The selected papers will also be considered for possible publication in a special issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. WHAT TO SUBMIT Submitted manuscripts may not exceed 12 single-spaced pages of text using 12-point size type on 8.5x11 inch pages. References, figures, tables, etc. may be included in addition to the twelve pages of text. Hardcopy submissions will be accepted, but files in either PostScript (level 2) or PDF format are strongly encouraged. (Note: Authors need to make sure that the electronically submitted files will print on a PostScript printer that uses 8.5x11 inch paper.)Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees. Submitted papers may not have appeared in or be considered for another conference. Submission procedures are available via Web access at For those who have only e-mail access, send an e-mail message to for an automatic reply that will contain detailed instructions for submission of manuscripts. If no electronic access is available, contact the program chair at the address given below. All manuscripts will be reviewed. Manuscripts must be received by October 4, 2002 at 12 Noon EST. (Note: Authors will be granted an automatic extension of up to 1 week (168 hours) without making a special request. However, no further extensions will be granted.) Submissions received after the due date or exceeding the length limit may not be considered. Notification of review decisions will be mailed by December 20, 2002. Camera-ready papers will be due January 24, 2003. IPDPS 2003 Proceedings for both contributed papers and workshops will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press on CD-ROM and will be distributed at the Symposium along with a hard copy volume of abstracts. PROGRAM CHAIR Jack Dongarra University of Tennessee 1122 Volunteer Blvd Knoxville, TN 37996-3450 USA PROGRAM VICE-CHAIRS * ALGORITHMS Yves Robert, Ecole Normale Supe'rieure de Lyon * APPLICATIONS David Walker, Cardiff University * ARCHITECTURES Josep Torrellas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign * SOFTWARE John Mellor-Crummey, Rice University PROGRAM COMMITTEE Giovanni Aloisio, University of Lecce, Italy Eduard Ayguade, Centre Europeu de Parallelisme de Barcelona, Spain Mark Baker, University of Portsmouth, UK Laxmi Bhuyan, University of California, Riverside Henri Casanova, University of California, San Diego Serge Chaumette, University of Bordeaux, France Jong-Doek Choi, IBM Research Marcelo Cintra, University of Edinburgh, UK Simon Cox, Southampton University, UK Chita Das, Pennsylvania State University Peter Dickman, University of Glasgow, UK John Drake, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Thomas Fahringer, University of Vienna, Austria Wu-Chun Feng, Los Alamos National Laboratory Renato Figueiredo, Northwestern University Robert Fowler, Rice University Manoj Franklin, University of Maryland, College Park Guang Gao, University of Delaware Martyn Guest, Daresbury Laboratory, UK Yike Guo, Imperial College, UK John Gurd, University of Manchester, UK Mark Heinrich, Cornell University Jeffrey Hollingsworth, University of Maryland Jesu's Labarta, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain Domenico Laforenza, CNUCE-CNR Pisa, Italy Evangelos Markatos, ICS-FORTH & University of Crete, Greece Jose Moreira, IBM Research Michael O'Boyle, University of Edinburgh, Scotland D.K. Panda, Ohio State University Timothy Pinkston, University of Southern California Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK Michael M. Resch, High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart, Germany Wojciech Rytter, University of Liverpool, UK Yousef Saad, University of Minnesota Pascal Sainrat, Universite' Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester, UK Andre' Schiper, Ecole Polytechnique Fe'de'rale de Lausanne, Switzerland Jennifer Schopf, Northwestern University Bernard Schutz, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Germany Steve Scott, Cray Research Leonel Seabra de Sousa, Instituto Superior Te'cnico, Portugal Per Stenstrom, Chalmers University, Sweden Quentin F. Stout, University of Michigan Tomas Stricker, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Alan Sussman, University of Maryland Sivan Toledo, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Dean Tullsen, University of California, San Diego Mateo Valero, Universitat Polite`cnica de Catalunya, Spain Jeffrey Vetter, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Jennifer Welch, Texas A&M University Marianne Winslett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Sudha Yalamanchilli, Georgia Tech Tuesday, 22 April 2003 -- Saturday, 26 April 2003 17th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Join us in Nice on the French Riviera! IPDPS 2003 -- to be held in Nice, France -- will be hosted by INRIA, CNRS and the University of Nice. INRIA is the French Institute for research & development in information, communication, science and technology, and includes the Sophia-Antipolis INRIA Research Unit, which is located 20 miles from Nice and is neighbor to a major concentration of French high-tech industries and research centers. Similar to the American NSF, the CNRS sponsors research in high performance computing and networking. In this domain, the CNRS connects over 80 research groups in France, including the I3S laboratory, which operates in cooperation with the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Both INRIA and CNRS are vitally interested in promoting international exchange, making them ideal hosts for the 17th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium. The Nice setting offers state-of-the-art meeting facilities in the Acropolis Convention Center, and there is a wide assortment of hotel accommodations within walking distance. Located between Cannes and Monte Carlo on the French Riviera, Nice provides a sidewalk cafe' and beach atmosphere to complement the technical resources available to IPDPS through the nearby Sophia-Antipolis INRIA Research Unit. Make sure your passports are up to date and keep next April open for your travel to the French Riviera. Visit the IPDPS Web site at for further information and regular updates on travel & accommodations. ======================= IPDPS 2003 ORGANIZATION ======================= GENERAL CO-CHAIRS * Michel Cosnard Universite' de Nice & INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France * Allan Gottlieb New York University & NEC Research Institute GENERAL VICE CO-CHAIRS Luc Bouge', ENS Cachan & IRISA, Rennes, France Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts at Amherst PROGRAM CHAIR Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee STEERING CO-CHAIRS Viktor K. Prasanna, University of Southern California George Westrom, Future Scientists & Engineers of America TUTORIALS CHAIR Patricia J. Teller, University of Texas at El Paso INDUSTRIAL TRACK CO-CHAIRS Isabelle Attali, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France Kiran Bondalapati, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. PROCEEDINGS CHAIR Jose Nelson Amaral, University of Alberta, Canada FINANCE CHAIR Bill Pitts, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CO-CHAIRS Susamma Barua, California State University, Fullerton Francoise Baude, Universite' de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France Marie-He'le`ne Zeitoun, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France PRODUCTION CHAIR Sally Jelinek, Electronic Design Associates, Inc. PUBLICITY CO-CHAIRS David A. Bader, University of New Mexico Serge Chaumette, Universite' de Bordeaux, France PUBLICITY COORDINATORS * Asia/Far East Satoshi Sekiguchi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology, Japan * Australia/New Zealand Albert Zomaya University of Sydney * Central/South America Ricardo Correa Federal University of Ceara * Europe/Africa Thomas Ludwig University of Heidelberg * Middle East Skevos Evripidou University of Cyprus STEERING COMMITTEE K. Mani Chandy, California Institute of Technology Ali R. Hurson, Pennsylvania State University Joseph JaJa,University of Maryland F. Tom Leighton, MIT Jose' Rolim, University of Geneva Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida Behrooz Shirazi, University of Texas at Arlington H.J. Siegel, Colorado State University Hal Sudborough, University of Texas at Dallas Steering Committee 2003 membership also includes the general co-chairs, program chairs, and vice general co-chairs from 2002, 2003, & 2004. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Said Bettayeb, University of South Alabama (USA) Michael J. Flynn, Stanford University (USA) Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, University of Paderborn (Germany) Louis O. Hertzberger, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) Richard Karp, University of California, Berkeley (USA) Jan van Leeuwen, University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) David R. Martinez, MIT Lincoln Laboratory (USA) Kurt Mehlhorn, Max Planck Institute (Germany) Gary Miller, Carnegie Mellon University (USA) Juerg Nievergelt, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) Charles L. Seitz, Myricom, Inc. (USA) Ioannis Tollis, University of Texas, Dallas (USA) Leslie Valiant, Harvard University (USA) Paolo Zanella, E.B.I., Cambridge (UK) ============================ IPDPS 2003 - IMPORTANT DATES ============================ 15 June 2002 Workshop Proposals Due 4 October 2002 Manuscripts Due 20 October 2002 Tutorial Proposals Due 20 October 2002 Industrial Track Submissions Due 20 December 2002 Review Decisions Mailed 24 January 2003 Print Ready Paper Due