EM Photonics Announces Partnership with PSSC Labs

EM Photonics, a leader in accelerating computationally-intense algorithms with commodity hardware platforms, announced today its partnership with PSSC Labs, a leading provider of custom-built high performance computing solutions. The University of Florida and San Francisco State University were the first clients of PSSC Labs to receive their PowerWulf Clusters built with CULA inside.

Established in 1989, PSSC Labs proudly wears the badge of one of the oldest high performance computing companies in the industry. Earlier this year, they announced the award of a 4,000+ processor core PowerWulf cluster by Western Kentucky University.

"We are expanding our GPU business into exciting areas of research in the life science, engineering and modeling industries. Offering a robust linear algebra toolkit like CULA from EM Photonics is of significant value to our clients. The less time our clients need to spend porting their code into a new architecture, the more time they can spend advancing their research efforts, and we all benefit in the end," said Eric Lesser, director of North America Operations at PSSC Labs.

"We are excited about our new cooperation with PSSC Labs," said Eric Kelmelis, CEO of EM Photonics. "They have consistently delivered quality HPC solutions at very competitive pricing. Right now, customers can get a turn-key workstation designed to run high performance computing, with CULA installed, for under $5,000. Their client-centric approach to doing business is aligned with ours. I am confident this relationship will generate rewards for both companies and valuable solutions for our customers," he added.