Call for Participation: 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science hosted by Indiana University

The organizing committee for the IEEE Computer Society 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2010) is now accepting papers and workshop proposals. CloudCom 2010 will take place November 30 through December 3, 2010, at University Place Conference Center on the campus of IUPUI. The deadline for paper submission is July 1, 2010.

Conference keynotes will be presented by Ian T. Foster, distinguished fellow and associate division director in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory and by Kai Hwang, professor of electrical engineering and computer science and director of the Internet and Grid Computing Laboratory at the University of California.

The term "cloud" is a common metaphor used to describe internet-accessible infrastructure such as data storage and computing hardware that is hidden from users. Cloud computing makes data truly mobile, allowing users to access a chosen cloud from any internet-accessible device without requiring any detailed knowledge or understanding of the underlying computational technology. A detailed list of topics to be covered at CloudCom 2010 is listed on the conference Web site at:

"Cloud technologies are leading to exciting and unprecedented new opportunities in both academic research and commercial enterprise," said CloudCom 2010 General Chair Geoffrey C. Fox. Fox is a professor of Informatics and director of the Digital Science Center within Pervasive Technology Institute at IU. "This field is attracting some of the brightest minds working in computational science today. CloudCom 2010 will bring these leaders together to discuss and envision the future of cloud computing and technology."

Accepted papers will appear in the CloudCom 2010 conference proceedings. Conference and workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE (pending). After the conference, extended and revised versions of distinguished papers will be invited for possible publication in a special issue of the following journals:

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal (Springer, SCI-indexed)

Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Journal (Wiely, SCI-indexed)

Journal of Supercomputing (pending, Springer, SCI-indexed)

International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC, InderScience)

CloudCom conferences are steered by the Cloud Computing Association. CloudCom 2010 is hosted by Pervasive Technology Institute and the IU School of Informatics. Program chairs for 2010 are Professor Gansen Zhao from South China Normal University and Judy Qiu, assistant director of the Community Grids Lab at IU. A complete list of conference chairs and committee members can be found at the conference web site:

To watch Professor Fox talk about cloud computing and CloudCom 2010, visit: