Call for Proposals to access Finisterrae

The Galicia Supercomputing Centre, CESGA, issued a Call for Proposals to access High Performance Computing resources for research. First deadline for proposals is April 12th, 2010.

Objectives and Description:
Through the Spanish National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Innovation and Development 2008-2011, the Galicia Supercomputing Centre, CESGA, in Spain, has obtained financing (ICTS-2009-40) from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (MICINN) so that researchers from the EU and from the European Economic Area may access supercomputing resources at CESGA.

These grants aim to financially cover the access of individual researchers or research groups to ITCS-CESGA to carry out research projects, acquire knowledge or get training in technologies in use at the premises. The financial aids are published in the following call: BOE July 11th, 2009, order CIN/1862/2009 July 7th, 2009, (bidding terms for public grants to science and technology in scientific-technological infrastructures activities, within the frame of Spanish National Plan for Scientific Research, Technological Innovation and Development 2008-2011). The reference number for the grant approved for years 2009 -2010 is ICTS-2009-40.

CESGA sets at the disposal of these ICTS users 20% of computational hours available per year of its FinisTerrae supercomputer (a SMP-NUMA Cluster with more than 2500 PE and very large memory capacity), a scientific infrastructure managed by CESGA, co financed by the Regional Government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia), the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Eligible Applicants:
Access can be requested by pre-doctoral students, PhDs or researchers with a minimum research experience of three years, from the EU and the European Economic Area.

Current CESGA users can request these grants to access privileged access to a large amount of resources, or to obtain on-site access.

The ICTS-CESGA Access Programme for 2010 is open and its first call deadline is April 12th, 2010. Proposals submitted until this date will be reviewed by an External Committee and the results of the selection will be notified in May 2010.

This is a permanent open call for grants. Every four months, submitted proposals will be sent to the External Access Committee for evaluation. Submitted proposals sent after these four-month deadlines will be evaluated in the next period.

For further information, please visit .