XSEDE13 Calls For Participation

XSEDE13: Gateway to Discovery is coming to San Diego! The conference will support and enhance the world of advanced digital resources and services and highlight scientific discovery facilitated through Science Gateways. Scientists, engineers, social scientists, and humanities experts at colleges, universities, and research centers around the world use these gateways, resources, and services to make our lives healthier, safer, and better.

XSEDE, the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, is the largest collection of distributed cyberinfrastructure for open scientific research in the United States. As the second annual conference of XSEDE, XSEDE13 is a forum for the presentation of high-quality technical papers, posters, tutorials, and Birds of a Feather sessions that will facilitate greater communication among scientists and students who use XSEDE and other cyberinfrastructure resources.

New features in XSEDE13:

  • Biosciences half day, including plenary talks and a panel discussion
  • "Lightning Talk" sessions, eight-minute presentations followed by a special poster session
  • Publication in a selected journal
  • Job fair for students

Key dates:

  • November 1, 2012: Call For Participation opens.
  • March 8, 2013: Tutorial proposals, and abstract-only submissions and papers (including student papers) due for the four tracks.
  • April 5: Conference Early Registration opens.
  • April 12: Visualization Showcase abstracts, BOF proposals, and Poster abstracts due.
  • April 19: Notification of acceptance of Tutorials, and notification of acceptance of abstract-only submissions and papers (including student papers) for the four tracks.
  • April 26: Notification of Visualization Showcase, BOF, and Poster (including student posters) acceptances.
  • May 3: Final technical program schedule available on XSEDE13 website.
  • May 6: Early Registration closes; Regular Registration opens.
  • June 14: Final camera-ready submissions due for abstracts-only submissions, and for papers in the four tracks.
  • June 14: Regular Registration closes; Late Registration opens.

The XSEDE13 committee intends to create another excellent XSEDE conference. And your attendance and participation is key. The first step is submitting that manuscript!