Sun Launches New Eco Innovation Initiative

New Programs and Services Help Customers Improve Datacenter Performance and Save Money Plus - Enhanced by Sun's Efficient Server Designs, Solaris 10 OS Advances and Throughput Computing: Sun Microsystems today announced a comprehensive suite of programs and solutions that leverage Sun's technology innovations and help customers architect more energy efficient, eco responsible datacenters and save money. The Eco Innovation Initiative is an extension of Sun's Eco Responsibility Initiative, which was launched in November 2005. Joining Sun's award winning SunFire servers, Solaris Operating System(OS), inventive throughput computing technology and storage technology, Sun's new Eco Innovation Initiative adds Sun Eco Ready Kits and a suite of Eco services that will play a key role in empowering IT departments worldwide to join the growing list of businesses adding smart energy-saving technology to their existing IT portfolio. "The environmental and economic impact of increasing power and cooling in the datacenter is a major concern to our customers. Sun's Eco Services Suite is designed for customers who want to make cost effective changes to their data center operations, which can boost efficiency by up to 20 percent," said Jeya Kumar, senior vice president of the Services Group at Sun Microsystems, Inc. "The time to reduce our impact on the environment is now; what's good for business is good for the environment." New Eco Tools Joining Sun's Family of Inventive Energy Saving Computing Alternatives Among the tools announced are three Eco Ready Kits; The Sun Eco Assessment Kit, The Sun Eco Optimization Kit and the The Sun Eco Virtualization Kit. These Kits are designed to assist customers in creating an energy efficient data center while saving money in the process.
  • The Sun Eco Assessment Kit provides a methodical approach to analyzing data center energy efficiency, using a combination of assessment services for systems, storage and data center infrastructure.
  • The Sun Eco Optimization Kit helps customers optimize, consolidate, refresh and recycle their hardware infrastructure while taking advantage of special offers on Sun systems, storage and services. As part of this solution, customers can upgrade to the Sun Fire UltraSPARC IV+ and Sun SPARC Enterprise servers, combining extreme optimization, utilization, and reliability in platforms to protect current customer investments.
  • The Sun Eco Virtualization Kit offers virtualization solutions that enable better asset utilization and data center energy efficiency. At the core of Sun's virtualization offering is the Solaris 10 OS, including Solaris Containers, which enables companies to securely run multiple software-isolated applications on a single system, in order to consolidate applications onto fewer servers.

Complete details on these new Sun Eco Ready Kits and information on how to get started can be found at its Web site. In addition, Sun announced the new Sun Eco Services Suite to help customers improve their data center energy utilization, tune their cooling air distribution and other infrastructure systems that can impact both operational costs and service levels. The Sun Eco Services Suite encompasses four service offerings launched today. Complete details on the Eco Services can be found at

  • The Sun Eco Assessment Service for Datacenter, Basic is specifically designed to maximize power and cooling efficiency in the IT infrastructure running web-based services.
  • The Sun Eco Assessment Service for Datacenter, Advanced is a comprehensive datacenter service providing a technical evaluation of datacenter energy use, cooling capacity, rack placement, air distribution and other environmental factors.
  • The Sun Eco Cooling Efficiency Service for Datacenter helps recover misused air conditioning capacity and direct it to the areas where it is needed, improving hardware cooling and increasing redundancy while helping reduce capital and operating costs.
  • The Sun Eco Optimization Service for Datacenter provides direct assistance with implementation of corrective actions outlined in the Eco Assessment Service.

Today Sun also published a wide range of eco resources giving customers the option to work on their own or partner with Sun to green their datacenter operations. Complete details on can be found at the following web sites: for information on Sun's Eco Innovation Initiative and at for more on Sun's commitment to Eco Responsibility. Sun software products provide record-setting performance to help increase energy savings and datacenter efficiency. The Solaris OS enables customers to maximize availability by increasing resource utilization by up to 80% and allowing hundreds of virtual environments to run on a single operating system instance. The Solaris power management project (Project Tesla) was recently released as part of Sun's ongoing contributions to the OpenSolaris community. Sun Ray Software delivers a virtualized desktop to eco-friendly Sun Ray clients, that consume only four watts of power. Sun also recently announced the UltraSPARC T2 processor -- the most energy efficient processor on the market. At one-tenth to one-thirtieth the power consumption of competitive offerings, the UltraSPARC T2 processor sets the gold standard for green computing and efficiency, combining the industry's lowest power consumption with double the cores, 16 times the threads, 4 times the throughput, with on-chip network and security functionality. Sun is also driving eco-efficiency into the data center with its UltraSPARC T1-based systems. With as much as 3x the throughput at half the power and space consumption, Sun's SPARC Enterprise/Sun Fire T1000 and T2000 systems deliver breakthrough performance and dramatic space and power efficiency. Additionally, with Logical Domains (LDoms) technology on Sun SPARC Enterprise/Sun Fire T1000 and T2000 systems, customers can virtualize a single CoolThreads server into 32 LDoms and increase systems usage while reducing space, power and cooling requirements. More information on LDoms is available at its Web site. Sun's complete line of energy efficient servers is available at its Web site. For a complete listing of all Sun eco efficient technology, please visit or