New method to make sodium ion-based battery cells could lead to better, cheaper batteries for the


Climatology of (a, c, e) maximum temperature (Tmax in °C) and (b, d, f) total precipitation (Prec in mm d−1) for TRAPPIST-1e. The climatology is computed using the mean of 80 yr ExoCAM simulations with varying pCO2. The different pCO2 scenarios are described in Section 3.1 and are referred to as “Low” (10−2 Bar), “Mid” (10−1 Bar), and “High” (1 Bar). In panel (a) the subregions used in Figures 7–10 and 12 are marked with gray rectangles. The subregions considered are global (−90–90N, 0–360E), mid-latitude antistellar (30-60N, 345-15E), mid-latitude substellar (30-60N, 165-195E), equatorial antistellar (−15-15N, 345-15E), equatorial substellar (−15-15N, 165-195E), equatorial west-terminator (−15-15N, 75-105E), and equatorial east-terminator (−15-15N, 255-285E).The climate crisis presents a huge challenge to all people on Earth. It has led many scientists to


Senior puts engineering skills, desire to serve toward improving the lives of disadvantaged and

Sun Microsystems introduced the SunTone Service Delivery Specification, version 3.0, the newest...

IBM has announced that The Hertz Corporation and Mindshare Technologies are using IBM analytics
